Chapter 7- Creepy and Kooky

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"Violet, we should go back to the gate," He slowed down, while the girl marched to the shadow, in slight annoyance.

"There you are!" Violet hissed. The silhouette didn't move, making the girl more irked. "We shouldn't even be here. Let's just go home. They're just too crazy,"

Violet, as shy as she was compared to her friends, can be stubborn at times. She finally stopped, however, once they got a clearer view of the individual.

The dark figure looked somewhat more elegant. She wore a dark indigo tight-fitting dress. A thin thorned stem wrapped around her, from the bottom and arms to wrapping tightly around her neck, as if it were choking her. There was a dingy three-petal flower tucked in her long, dark hair hung loose, hiding half of her face.

"Crazy, you say?" she questioned. The trespassers back away from the women, noticing the vines slithering on the ground. "We prefer the kooky,"

Violet and Cole started to run back to the front gates. They didn't get far, as the vines got ahold of their ankles. They landed harshly in the dirt, but they clawed into the ground as they tried to get away from the house. They started to scream in terror, the vines wrapping tightly their legs, soon wrapping around their torsos and arms. Violet's bag slipped off her.

The vines dragged them back to the woman, who made her way to a relatively large plant bud. The intruders struggled to break free from the vines, but the more they did, the tighter the vines became. They stopped in front of the bud, the vines lifted the two up, tying them to a dead tree.

"Let us go!" Violet pleaded. Isabela stayed silent. The vines soon wrapped around their mouths, gagging them. She grabbed a large burlap bag nearby, dragging it back to the bud.

The two looked at eachother confused, then took notice of the plant. The bud was covered in dark purple leaves, red liquid dripped down the green pads. The plant sprouted up, revealing a hidden stem. The petals unfurled, their eyes widened in horror.

This was no normal flower. The "petals" were lined with many sharp teeth and a large open mouth. It made guttural growls and shrieks, snapping its head toward the tied victims. It nipped their feet, making the two yelp, pulling their legs up.

"Ah, wait!" she ordered. Afri lowered his head. Isabela shushed her plant, and she reached into the sack. She drew out a dead rabbit from her bag. The plant, Afri , snapped at her direction, but she pulled away. He lowered his head again, eager for his meal

"Don't worry," Isabela calmly stated, placing the rabbit gently on the ground, then took out more dead animals from the bag. "He is just hungry,"

Violet pressed further back against the bark. She whimpered behind the gag, desperately trying to break away from the vines. The plant woman slowly lowered her hand. Afri stared at the meat, waiting for the command.

"Eat!" Her voice rang through the darkness. Afri lunged at the carcass. He tore it through the flesh like a savage animal, blood splattered on Violet and Cole and dripping down its mouth.

The prisoners watched in terror. A small unsettling smile crept on Isabela's face as she watched her precious plant devour the meat. Violet and Cole share the same thought, that they may be next.

They suddenly felt the vine loosen. They scrambled up, seeing Xander holding up his machete. Isabela frowned, Afri snapping at them.

"Come on!" Amelia pulled up Violet, pushing her to keep moving. Cole and Xander followed suit, all sprinting to get out of this land.

The group didn't look back as they zoomed past and jumped over the stones. The fog drew thick, making it difficult to see and make them turn on their flashlights again. They saw blur in the fog, making them stop in their tracks. The blur appeared again, whirling all around them.

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