Chapter 12 - The Handsome Man

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Penny Parker's pov

Today, I decided to go to the cemetery again. Once the two Peter's told me about the whole multiverse story, and what happened. I wanted to see if I could find my family here. I wanted to see if they even existed in this world. So I had thrown on some jeans, my Converse, and a brown t-shirt with a zippered, dark green sweater.

I walked around multiple graves, not seeing any graves I recognized yet. I looked up to my left, and saw a man, standing by a tombstone, staring. I walked over to him, not looking at the gravestone he was looking at. I saw tears in his eyes. "You okay, man?" I asked him. He looked up at me.

He had brown eyes and brown hair. He was about 5'10. He was wearing a brown retro jacket over top of his red and grey knitted sweater, with dark blue pleated chino pants. His leather shoes were black and smooth. If I was gonna be honest, I'd say this man is very handsome.

The handsome man looked me in the eyes, letting a tear fall down his cheek. "I'm great." He lied. "Oh, I suppose that tear was of joy then." I snickered at my own joke. A slight smile came from the man. "Who is this?" I asked, pointing to the grave he was standing in front of. "My father." I gave him a look of sympathy. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's gotta be tough." I apologized for his loss. He just nodded his head.

"Who are you here for?" He asked me. How was I gonna tell a stranger that I was here looking for people I knew from my universe? Instead of telling the truth I shrugged. "It's complicated." His eyebrows scrunched at my response. "How could it be complicated?" He questioned, sounding confused.

"I'm looking for a friend. Someone I used to know." I was technically telling the truth. He nodded. "That didn't sound complicated." He told me with a laugh. I laughed along.

I felt a biting wind fly through my hair and crash into my body. The cold breeze made goosebumps appear on my arms and legs. I shivered. I should've worn a jacket or something warmer. I let out a shaky breath, from my shivering. My teeth then began slowly to chatter against one another.

The man in front of me seemed to notice, as he started taking his jacket off. "Here." He held it out for me. I looked up at him. "No, it's okay. You'll get cold too. Thank you though." He shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Take it. I'll be warm enough." He said, further extending his jacket out for me to take.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be cold. You're already sad, being cold will just make it worse." I joked. He chuckled. "Seriously, I'll live. You can wear it." I gave in and took his jacket. I put my arms through and zippered the jacket up, halfway. As soon as I settled into his jacket, I was feeling warm and comfy. I could smell his strong cologne, making its way into my clothes.

"Thank you." I appreciated his thoughtful gesture. "No problem." He smiled at me. "So, who was your friend?" The man asked. I decided to use one of the names my brother told me about. "Gwen Stacy." He stared into my eyes, waiting for me to continue.

I tried to remember everything my brother told me about her. But I couldn't tell him that. He might figure out that I had powers, and was Spider-Woman. That was one thing my brother didn't have to remind me about.

"She, uh, she was in a car accident. Got hit by a drunk driver." I lied to him. "Jeez, I'm sorry." He apologized as I had for his father. I smiled with my mouth closed, appreciating his sympathy for me. I tried to act a little sad, but it was hard because I had no memory of this person.

"How bout your father? What's his story." I asked. He took a deep breath before speaking. " dad...he had a bad disease, and he...he took his life. He couldn't handle the pain anymore." His head hung low. I took a moment before speaking, not knowing how to respond to the man's pain. "That's horrible. That must be traumatic for you. I'm so sorry that you have to experience this pain." I put my hand on his shoulder, trying my best to comfort him. He lifted his head and gave me a small smile of thanks.

"Would you like to take a walk somewhere?" I asked, trying to find a way to bring comfort to this man. This...beautiful man. He perked up a little. "Sure. That would be nice." He gave me a soft smile. I returned the smile. We both turned to walk the towards entrance and exit fence. But before I could walk, he held his arm out for me to take. I blushed and held onto his arm. I smiled at his gentleness.

We started walking around. Wandering wherever our eyes desired to go. We ended up at a coffee shop. We both ordered and took our drinks. We walked out of the store and continued walking.

This was weird of me. I normally don't wander with strangers. But something felt different about this. It felt sweet. It reminded me of someone I knew. I assumed it was MJ. My brother told me of him, my boyfriend. How we were, how he acted, what he looked like, how he died.

Once it became later in the day, we decided to split apart and go about our day. I didn't want to, but it was late out and I didn't want my brother and Peter 1 to be home alone together. I'm sure they'd be fine. But I felt the need to protect them.

"Thank you for today. It really gave me a break from...well, everything really." Harry said. I smiled, feeling the same. "Yeah, I feel the same. Thank you." He smiled at me.

I had then realized that we hadn't introduced ourselves to each other. "Oh, I'm Penny, by the way. Penny Parker." I held my hand out for him to shake. He grabbed my hand and shook it. "Oh, I completely forgot about that part. I'm Harry Osborn." He laughed. My face froze and started to slowly drop.

Osborn? Why did I recognize that name?

Then all of a sudden, memories came to me. But none that I had lived. None that I had remembered anyway.

I saw my brother Peter. My friends, Gwen, Ned, and Harry. My boyfriend, MJ Watson. A father figure, Tony Stank. My dad and mom, Richard and Mary. My Uncle Ben and Aunt May. My enemies: Flash, Tombstone, Thanos, and Morlun. My new friends, Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3, MJ, and Ned.

I saw my whole life. I remembered my life. The spell didn't work? I'm glad it didn't! I remembered my brother. My story. My life. Everything. I could see the memories that I'd made on this and my universe. I remembered the fight we had a few weeks ago in this universe.

I remembered everything! I had to tell my brother and Peter 1!

But wait. Harry Osborn? I remembered one of the villains that we fought, Norman Osborn. The Green Goblin.

Was I standing next to this universe's Green Goblin?

AN: For this universe Harry, I'm making him look like younger Adam Sandler. He's one of my favourite actors. Plus he's hot.

I grew up watching his movies because my dad is a fan too. But I like his movies because he's funny sometimes. My favourite one of his movies is Grown Ups. What's your favourite Adam Sandler movie?

In case you're like my best friend and don't know what Adam Sandler looks like when he was younger because you're uneducated with actors and older movies:

In case you're like my best friend and don't know what Adam Sandler looks like when he was younger because you're uneducated with actors and older movies:

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If you saw this Tires (my inside joke with my best friend), now everyone knows you're uneducated with older movies and actors, lol.

Hope you liked this Chapter! Have a good day!

Word count: 1379

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