Chapter 2 - Another Peter Parker

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My spider senses were warning me. What was it trying to tell me? I came out of the alleyway to try and discover where we are and why my senses went off. I knew there was a television repair shop nearby. So I ran there, putting Peter on my back.

"Breaking news! The vigilante, known as Spider-Man, has now murdered his close aunt! Peter Parker was caught hovering over her dead body, Peter ran before the police could catch him. Shut your windows and lock your doors, folks! What will Spider-Man do next? Who is his next victim? Footage will be shown soon." The reporter on the television through the window spoke. Peter Parker? My brother? He's right here though. He didn't kill Aunt May. And who the hell is Spider-Man? Where am I? Am I on Earth? Am I even in my universe?! I need to find out where we are. "Penny, what are they talking about? I didn't kill Aunt May!" He shouted, panicked. "Shhh, it's ok. I know you didn't kill her. Something is wrong."

I would've tried to find out where I am, but my senses told me I needed to help this other kid, Peter Parker. He needs my help. After I help him, I'll figure out where we are.

As I glanced back at the screen, I recognized my suit on a figure that wasn't my own, bending over a lifeless form. It was undoubtedly him, Peter Parker, but not my brother. It was some version of him from another dimension. I couldn't fathom how there could be another version of me with my suit, let alone possessing the same powers. I wonder if he has a younger brother like me or perhaps a sister. Did he also live with his aunt and uncle like I did? I need to know more about this Peter. I turned quickly, so Peter could hold on to my front, allowing me to have a better grip.

This place still looks like New York. Just a little bit different. For example, Stank Industries was right here. But it's now called 'Joe's Pizza', and it's much shorter.

Tony Stank was the owner of Stark Industries. He was like a father to me. My hero friends were amazing. But after Tombstone snapped, I've been fighting villains alone. All of the heroes were taken away. I wasn't taken because I wasn't a known superhero yet. After the snap, Tony announced to the world that I was a hero. That was one of the last things he did. But people misunderstood what was happening, and thought I took their loved ones away.

After swinging for a few hours, with little breaks in between. I still couldn't find anything. It was dark outside now. Peter was asleep in my arms, so I decided to find somewhere to rest. I'm lucky I have webs, to swing around. Tony and I made web shooters. It worked well too. Though I'm not surprised, Tony Stank helped me after all.

I started to make my way back to where I first came from, over in the alleyway. No one would find us there, cause who even goes in alleyways often? I glanced at the television shop while walking by. I came to a sudden halt at the mention of a familiar name. I look at the tv in the window. "-Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensue. Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces. J. Jonah Jameson reporting. Good night, and God help us all." The man on the tv spoke. What did he mean by chaos and calamity ensuing? What did Peter do?

The news about Spider-Man soon disappeared into more news about something else. Not interested, I walked the rest of the way to the alleyway. I sat down on the cold ground and leaned against the brick wall behind me. I placed Peter to lay on my chest. I closed my eyes, and inhale deeply from being confused about this whole situation. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I hear strangers yelling my brother's name. "Peter!"

I turn my head and slowly stand up at the sight of another orange sparkling circle thing. Peter wrapped his arms around my neck, lifts his head, and turns to the orange thing. "What's that?" "I dunno." I shrugged.

I start walking closer to it. Once I got closer and became more visible. The two people calling me sighed when they saw us. Rude. "Um...hello. Sorry, I just saw this orange thingy and-" I turn around, looking for the sparkling thing that lead me into this room. But it slowly closed. "Oh. It's leaving." I turned back around to face four confused faces, staring at me.

AN: Thank you for reading Chapter 2! A lot of the story will be exactly like the movie. So if you don't feel like repeating the story, you don't gotta read this. I hope you liked this chapter!

Also, did you watch Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania? In my opinion, it was ok. Wasn't the best Marvel movie I've seen. What had me the most excited, was what happened at the very end, after the credits. If you've watched it, try not to spoil anything in the comments! Have a good day

Word count: 902

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