Chapter 13 - A New Home

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I ran away from Harry, to go find Peter 1 and my brother. "Hey, wait! Why are you running?!" He yelled for me to hear since I was further away now. "You still have my sweater on!" He put his hands around his mouth to sound louder. I didn't stop running. He eventually gave up, as I was now out of sight.

I ran to Peter 1's place he had with Aunt May. That's where we were staying until later today when we'd get a new place. The landlord didn't recognize us, so he told us we would have to leave our room by today.

My brother and I helped Peter pack all his stuff, and sell stuff he no longer needed. Peter let me take some of Aunt May's clothes because all my clothes were in a whole different universe.

Thankfully I had my wallet in my pocket when we came here. And thankfully I had just gone to the bank to get cash the day before.

We bought clothes for my brother since none of the clothes Peter 1's would fit him. I bought some new clothes too.

Peter 1 and I put our money together to buy this new apartment. It was a small place, but it was nice.

I ran inside Peter 1's current place. Before I left, I told the two Peters that I'd be back around the evening because I wanted to explore. I was gonna have to live here, so I wanted to know what was around.

I opened the door and quickly shut it. "Guys?" I called for my brother and Peter 1. "On the couch!" Peter 1 told me where they were. I ran over to them and threw my arms around my brother. I held him as hard as I could. "I remembered!" I shouted as I let my brother go. Both of their eyes widened. "Really?!" They both asked. I nodded my head. They both jumped up from their spots and hugged me.

"How? And...whose sweater is that?" My brother questioned. "Okay, it's a kinda long story. So...I met this guy while I was at the cemetery. We talked for a bit, but then it got cold. He gave me his sweater. And oh my gosh, he had the cutest face!" I squealed in excitement. "You should've seen his eyes! They were adorable! And don't even get me started with his smile!" I started to get off-topic.

"Penny!" My brother interrupted. "What?" I asked, clueless to my focus disappearing while telling the story. "How did you remember?" He retold his question.

"Oh, yeah. Right. Okay, we started to walk around town. I got his number. And we forgot to introduce ourselves. So I told him my name. And you'll never believe what his name was." The two looked at me, waiting for me to tell them. "Guess who." I told them. "Uh... Anakin Skywalker?" Peter 1 guessed. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "John?" My brother asked. "Nope. It was Harry Osborn."

Peter 1 and my brother looked at me even more confused. I threw my hand to my forehead. "Osborn? You remember? Norman Osborn. The Green Goblin. They have the same last name. And my old friend back in our universe. They have the same name." They then both understood. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Did he hurt you? He wasn't like Green Goblin, was he?" Peter 1 asked.

"No, no, no! I'm fine. He was really nice. And to answer why I still have his sweater on...I ran away from him to tell you guys after he told me who he was." I told them. "Oh. That's good." Peter 1 said.

"So anyway. Are you guys ready to go?" I changed the topic, realizing the time. We had to leave now. "Yeah." My brother answered. Peter 1 looked to the ground. I could tell he didn't want to go. I mean, would you want to leave the place you grew up in, and spent most of your time with your family in? I wouldn't. Well, I kinda already did. I actually left the whole universe I grew up in.

"Peter?" My brother questioned Peter 1, wondering why he wasn't answering. Peter 1 slowly looked up at me. I put my hands on his shoulders. "It's okay. I know it's hard leaving this place." I told him. "Yeah." Peter 1 whispered. I brought him into a quick side-hug.

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