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Welcome Double update 💜💜n

Love and obsession goes hands in hands. The two words sits and dine at the same table but too much of both are just dangerous drugs no one should ever gets high on and taehyung chuckles.

He's high on both.

Because, why else would he have everything about jungkook's engraved in his head , mind and soul like some Manta he needs to chants everyday. Those simple details linger in his head like his everyday prayer and taehyung for the first time agree to other words.

He's indeed obsessed with jungkook. Every little thing about jungkook are his obsession, from the male's eyes that seem innocent the most in the world until jungkook slowly raise them to give a glare and those eyes become the most dangerous eyes in the world.

From the way his hyung's brow moves when he's amused or impressed with his actions, the way he lips curves up to form that not so friendly smirk. To his habit of tilting his neck to ask a question instead of opening his mouth. Taehyung knows the amount of every single moles on jungkook's body and they recite in his mind everyday like a curse placed by the one above.

Everything about taehyung is about jungkook. Only jungkook and him alone. Not even him matters to himself as jungkook does, the day he held his knife against jungkook's neck to create evidence--- Hyunsik was the only one who gets to witness taehyung having himself beats up just to feel the pain of hurting jungkook.

If it's about jungkook, taehyung knows his craziness has no limits.

So taehyung knows , the moment he sets his eyes on this person--- he can tell he's his jungkook. If jungkook breaths among one thousand people, taehyung would be able to point it without moving his eyes.

But why was he scared to accept that jungkook is standing infront of him looking Good? Maybe because he's afraid the moment he open his eyes , he'd realized this is a dream or an imagination created in his head.

He side-eye jungkook's palm that suddenly seem to appear on his cheeks , he doesn't even notice when the male cup his cheeks with his one hand.

"What happened to your skin? Who hits you?" Worries runs marathon through jungkook's eyes and taehyung hates that he'd read whatever emotions jungkook have present in those eyes , he can't melt and have those unbearable pains comes back when he'd snapped out of this Dreamland and realized it's not real.

Taehyung don't! No you can't give in!! ... No--- his subconscious mind screams at him but taehyung only shut it up , what powers does he hold against jungkook both in real life or dream life? The fake strong and nonchalant attitude? For maybe first and last time.

Even if this is just a dream , taehyung don't wanna fight so he cave in instead. All the wall shrink, his protection wall turned into nothing but sands.

"Just once in this dream. Even it's not real , please love me once in this dream" if the pretty male have any tears left in his eyes, he sure knows he'd be busy bowling his eyes out right now but no. He save the tears to those life that are unfortunate enough to get cut short by his hands.

"One of the inmates hits your rose hyung, that bastard hits me so hard that it hurts-- can you soothing it? Ease the pain hyung, can you please ease all my pains hyung" the last words get shredded down to his throat to swallow, a petal felt like kiss pressed against his bruised cheeks.

And he found himself leaning closer to that single touch, he hears the warning--- every fucking walls in his body screams at him to slip.... But against every odd , he's still a human and some affection won't hurts him right?.

It'll. And taehyung knows.

"Who is that fucking bastard? I'm so going to break his bones!" Taehyung blink his eyes , circling his arms around jungkook's torso when the older male tries to let him go.

"He's a serial killer , don't want you to get hurt" taehyung chuckle softly, pushing himself impossibly close to jungkook. He'd be embarrassing as much as he wants , after all just few minutes and the dream will be over and he can be back to the reality, where it's cruel and scary.

"And you think I can't beats him? I am disappointed you also think low of me" the pretty male can tell jungkook was truly offended, and taehyung swear that wasn't the reason why.

"You're much stronger than him but I don't want you touching that piece of trash , we can't taint your body hyung" taehyung mumble with a smile on his face, his head on jungkook's chest.

Jungkook raised his brow amused , being away for long makes his rose go soft?.

"You're being all cuddly and I have bad feelings about it, are you okay?" Taehyung raise his gaze to stare at jungkook for some moments before shaking his head with a lip tight smile.

"I can be free in my dreams hyung, this is going to be over soon since it's all in my head" a throaty chuckle escape jungkook's lips , a genuine amused smile invade his gorgeous face as he pinch tae's check lovely.

"I'm so going to have a nice time when you realize this isn't a dream" jungkook whisper to himself and only stare down when he heard low snores from taehyung, this boy really fall asleep while standing there?.

"What are you doing to yourself again rose?"

Minho was a in very complicated situation for the past days , he confirmed from his sources that taehyung was never out of the prison. So how was he able to pull all those dirty strings on him? That's what Minho has been spending his time researching on.

But no matter how much he look , the people that are visiting taehyung in the prison are just friends and a new man from Thailand... The man doesn't look suspicious in anyway and nothing seem wrong about his records.

Seeing he's getting no where , he decided to report this to the prosecution office. He knows his dirty acts will get revealed but he better be locked up than roaming around while taehyung takes his family members one after the other.

Yeah, that's exactly what he's going to do.


Sorry for mistakes

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