23. The Majestic 12

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's the way it must be, but you still need to get closer to Hope. I need her and Aaron" The Handler said "Yeah, yeah, I know. She trust and like me, so it wouldn't be long now" Peter said "It does take long, it have already taking you four months" Lila said and Peter snapped his head at her "Well, at last I'm not playing with my mission, I play professional" he said "Are you saying I'm not professional?" Lila asked and Peter rise his eyebrow while sending her smirk smile "You little shit" Lila said as she grits her teeth "You bitch" Peter said as the two was sending each other a death glare "Kids, be nice, we are all a family here" The Handler said before she looked at Peter "Why have it taking so long?" she asked and Peter looked at her.

"Hope is a smart and tough girl, she is careful" he said with a small smile "You have not falling in love with her?" The Handler asked as she noticed the smile on Peter's face and Peter's smile disappeared before he looked at her "No. Of course not" he said as he shook his head "Good, 'cause I can't have that" The Handler said "But it is my first time going solo. My first real big mission, so of course is taking time. So please give me more time. Don't punishes me for this going slow" Peter said "I wouldn't. Don't worry. Take your time" The Handler said "Thanks mom" he said as he breathed out in relief "But not too much time, remember time is limited here" The Handler said and Peter nodded.

"By the way, I ran into some trouble at the asylum, during the escape" Lila said as The Handler poured some more syrup on her pancakes "These three blond guys. Total cowboys" Lila said and The Handler froze for a second before looking at Lila "They're here already?" she asked "Wait, you know those freaks?" Lila asked "Commission muscle. Triplets. Like Huey, Dewey, and Louie, only a little more meshugahs" The Handler said "You sent them?" Lila asked.

"Of course I did" The Handler answered "Why? They nearly killed me" Lila said "Lucky them" Peter mumbled under his breath.

"Well, they have to make it look good. Right? Otherwise, people might suspect that we're working together" The Handler said "So they know Peter and I are on the job?" Lila asked "It's all a performance. Look, if they wanted you dead, you would've been long gone by now, little one" The Handler said "You need to stop calling me that" Lila said "Aww" The Handler said before getting up "Listen to me" she said as she walked over to Lila "No one is trying to kill you" she said as she stroke Lila down the cheek "We're all working towards the same goal" she said "Which is?" Peter asked "Well, that's the thing about the Commission, isn't it? Some things just don't make sense... until they do" The Handler said before she brushed Lila's bangs "I like the fringe" she said before she patted Lila on the head.

"Protect Number Five at all costs" The Handler to Lila before she looked at Peter "And protect Hope and Aaron at all cost" she said and Peter and Lila glanced at each other.


Luther was laying in his bed as he grunt softly "Luther?" Vanya asked as she was holding a towel "Allison?" Luther asked weakly and she began opening his eyes to see Vanya.

"Sorry to disappoint" Vanya said with a smile "Here. For your face" she said as she handed him a towel.

"Do you need a pillow or...an...an aspirin?" she asked "Wait, uh...why are you here, Vanya?" he asked "You're my brother. I mean, apparently" she said and chuckled "Five found you" he said "Yeah, him, Liz and their kids. They're downstairs waiting with the car. Said you're be better off alone" she said while he was groaning softly as he sat up.

"Yeah. He's an asshole" she said "Such an asshole" she said and sat down next to him "Right?" he said "Right" she said and they both chuckled.

"How much did they tell you?" he asked "Um. Well, they filled in some gaps. Uh eight children, a talking chimpanzee...a very warm and cuddly father. An apocalypse" she said "They told you about that, huh?" he asked "Well, not all of it. Because I think there's something they left out. About me" she said "Huh" he said "What caused the apocalypse?" she asked "You did" he answered and she looked down "But not alone. I was part of it. I mean, we all were" he said "How?" she asked "Uh, you got angry, lost control, and you...blew up the moon. It slammed into Earth, wiping out everything" he said.

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