ghost towns

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chapter eight
'ghost towns'



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Daniella could smell herself so that meant that Joel and Ellie could smell her as well. The sun was high in the sky, causing the weather to be way warmer than it was when they left the abandoned store. She hated feeling sweaty and hot.

A slight breeze caressed her exposed arms as she took off her jacket miles ago. Joel was the one who was leading them while Daniella was the one walking behind them, protecting them from behind. She had no intention of speaking to Joel again after their earlier chat. The woman wouldn't admit it out loud but there was a slight embarrassment hiding in her head as she recalled his stern voice and evident discomfort with her proposal of a conversation.

"Holy shit."

Her eyes shot up as she heard Ellie's voice. Both, Joel and Daniella looked at the plane wreck on the hill in front of them.

"You fly in one of those?" Ellie asked, her eyes glued to the wreck.

"That's how I got in the US." Daniella nodded before looking at Joel, waiting for his answer.

The man shrugged. "Few times."

Ellie was unable to move as her imagination created a whole scenario of being able to fly and spend some time in the sky. "So lucky." She whispered.

"Didn't feel like it at the time," Joel answered, remembering the irritation he felt every time he stepped foot on a plane. "Get shoved into a middle seat, pay twelve bucks for a sandwich."

"Dude," Ellie looked at the male next to her. "You got to go up in the sky." 

At that Joel gave her one last glance before going back on the main road, letting them follow him. Ellie didn't hesitate to go back on the road but Daniella kept her eyes on the plane a little longer before jogging after them.  She couldn't imagine the chaos that erupted in the sky when cordyceps took over.

"So everything came crashing down in one day?"

Both of the adults knew that the girl would ask about the outbreak day sooner or later but neither of them was really ready to relive the memories in a form of a story.

"They don't teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic." Ellie snarked when Joel tried to clap back with another 'i thought you went to school' comment.

Daniella hummed, seeing that school etiquette stayed the same even in a dystopian life. "I watched a documentary once." She spoke up, her hands tightly grasping the straps of her backpack. "About cordyceps." She specified as her eyes stayed on the road in front of them. "I was sixteen when I saw it, imagine my surprise when it came to reality only three years later." Her chuckle came out raspy as she let it out without knowing. "It mutated because the planet got warmer." She replied. "Evolution at its finest."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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