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chapter four



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Daniella closed her eyes as her back met the aged cabinet she and Joel pushed in front of the doors. The storm was getting stronger every minute and they were lucky enough to find an old beauty store to hide in.

"Go there." Tess shoved Ellie into the middle of the room. "You'll be staying here and we will keep an eye on you." She warned the girl, ignoring her offended scoff. "Who will take the first shift?"

Daniella ignored the woman and walked further into the store, taking off her jacket and then her top, standing there only in her sports bra.

Joel awkwardly looked away while Tess and Ellie watched her in shock.

"What you're staring at?" Daniella sighed and then let her hair fall. "I'm not getting sick from the wet clothes." She shrugged and then sat down, her gaze on Ellie. "You can go to sleep, I'll take the first shift."

"Fine by me," Tess murmured and laid her head on her backpack. "C'mon Joel, let's get some sleep." She said to the man before turning away, and facing the wall.

Joel walked right past Tess directly toward Daniella, his stern look stayed on her face as he handed her the rifle without a single emotion shown on his face. "Wake me up in two hours." He murmured and then walked back to his place, sitting down and crossing his arms.

Ellie was the first one to fall asleep, Tess was the second one and Joel was the last one. He kept his gaze on Ellie as long as he could before slowly giving up.

The brunette watched all of them, she watched their chests go up and down as they slept. They all seemed so calm to her at that moment. Comfortable and vulnerable. She was surprised to see them trust her so freely

Especially Ellie. Daniella kept her gaze on the sleeping teenager, millions of thoughts running through her head. She was unable to recognize the emotions she felt when she saw the bite mark on Ellie's arm.

Could the girl be immune? Or was the infection slowing down? Making it longer to turn? If the girl turns would be Daniella able to shoot her? Kill her?

She never killed a child.
She also didn't want to.

A small sigh left her mouth as she let the back of her head hit the shelves behind her. Here she was, sitting in an abandoned store in her bra with a rifle in her hands, waiting for a kid to turn into a monster.

Her life was a joke.

But at the same time, it made sense why Marlene wanted Ellie to get to the Fireflies. If the girl was really immune it could mean a huge influence in the world, or at least what was left of it.


Ellie woke up the next morning with a rifle aimed at her head.

Daniella told Joel that it was a little drastic but he ignored her completely.

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