wild world

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chapter six
'wild world'



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Daniella's heart felt like jumping out of her chest when she saw the creature in front of her. It wasn't her first time seeing a Clicker but that didn't mean she wasn't scared shitless.

As they were slowly stepping back they heard another screech coming from a different room.

The woman's hands suddenly started to feel slippery as she had a tight grip on her gun, too scared to drop it.

She had to bite down her gasp when she saw the second Clicker appearing next to them. They all hid behind one of the cabinets, Daniella slowly reaching for Ellie's arm, grabbing her attention.

'They can't see but they can hear.' She mouthed at the girl while she pointed at her eyes and gestured that they couldn't see them but could hear them.

Sadly that wasn't a weakness for the Clickers.

The screeches were louder and louder as Clickers roamed around the room, searching for them.

Joel pressed his index finger to his lips, showing Ellie to stay silent. They all did their best but when one of them walked right past them and then turned to face them Ellie couldn't help to let out a shaky breath.

And that was enough of a sound.

The Clicker opened its mouth, screeching and showing Ellie the fungus growing out of its head. Joel didn't hesitate to press the trigger of his rifle, fighting with it. "Run!" He managed to shout before another one appeared, running straight at Ellie and Tess.

Daniella aimed her pistol at its leg, shooting it in the shin, making it yelp out in pain and slow down a little. They all got separated around the room afterward.

Ellie was crawling around while Tess and Daniella were shooting at one of the Clickers and Joel was fighting the second one.

The man ran as fast as he could, pushing everything he could to the ground, hoping to confuse the creature that was after him.

Which worked.

He and Daniella were hiding behind the same cabinet, slowly nodding at each other. The woman knew he needed to reload his gun so she did what she did best, she kneeled down and started sneaking around, looking for something to throw.

Her moves were steady and swift, letting her move around the room silently. She saw Ellie hiding so she only gave her an encouraging nod before seeing Joel sneak toward the girl as well. Joel moved his eyes from the woman to a space in front of her, revealing the brick that was on the ground between them.

The woman moved her head to the right, showing them to sneak away, which they did but when Joel's boot stepped on broken glass, their plan came crumbling down immediately.

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