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The sun was beginning to shine in and it's rays seemed to hit his face perfectly. My Robin. He truly was gorgeous.
His eyes slowly flutter open. Ocean blue. That was the color of his eyes.

He finally gains some sense when he notices me staring over. A small smile falls on his lips. The same smile I've fallen for over and over.

"Morning, Star."
His gruff voice welcomes me into the next day.
I return a smile of my own.
"Greetings, Richard."

He preferred when I called him Richard. He told me the only other person to call him that was his mother. I'm very appreciative of the fact, but I still call him Robin all the time. That's how I met him. That's who I grew up with and he'll always be my Robin.

He eventually became Nightwing, a change to signify how much he's grown and that he's no longer Batman's sidekick, rather a hero of his own.

He holds his arms out wide, showing he wants a hug. He's a big hugger, but only with me. Honestly, he probably got it from me. We Tamaraneans enjoy physical contact.
I oblige and we sit in silence for a couple minutes before he finally goes to get up.

We change into regular clothes.

"Are you guys still going out?"
The boys of the team were planning a boys night out. I have no idea what that consisted of and I'm not sure if I want to know. I'm just glad he's taking some time off. Sometimes, I think work is all that plagues his mind.

"Yeah. We should be leaving soon, though Gar probably won't be up for awhile. Someone should wake him."

Garfield was Beast Boy's true name, though he had no preference for which name we called him by.
He's never been one to wake up early unless he smelled food and it could not be food that consisted of meat. To this day, he and Cyborg still get into arguments over food.

"What are you and Raven going to do while we're gone?"
I tap my chin.

"Hmm...I'm not sure. Perhaps we could do some of the meditation. Im sure she'll love having the peace and quiet."

He laughs.
"Oh yeah. She definitely will prefer that."

He walks over and places a kiss on my forehead.
"I'm gonna wake up Gar. I'll see you out there."

He exits and I sit on the bed.
I've been having issues lately.

I let a star bolt light up in my hand and I watch as it slowly begins to dim. My brows furrow at the sight.

I frown. What is happening to me? I've noticed in our battles recently, even my strength has been weakening. No one on the team has noticed so far but I am very much aware.

I stand up, but immediately sit back down when a sudden pain causes me to clench my stomach.

"Oh X'Hal..."

And then it hits me. I rush to the bathroom and throw up. Someone like me getting sick is very, very rare.

I stiffen when I hear the door open.

"You in here, Star?"

Richard's voice echos out.
I get back up and get myself ready to act like nothing happened. If I told him, he'd probably freak out and I don't want to keep him from having fun tonight.
Besides, this could be some sort of sickness.

I open the door.
"You guys leaving?"
He nods.
"Yeah I just wanted to say goodbye. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

I smile.

He embraces me in a hug and we walk out to the main room where everyone else is.
I say my goodbyes to them and Raven seems extremely happy that they're leaving. She likes when the tower is quiet.

Time Will Tell (remake)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя