Untitled Part 8

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"Hello, my little sweet. I've been especially looking forward to today." He whispered to me. I felt my stomach tighten and coil. He repulsed me so much. Just seeing his face made me want to be sick, to die even. Every time I stepped foot in this room I felt the world get colder and I dreaded the coming hours.

Within just a moment he was beside me, caressing my face, breathing on my neck, pulling my hair to the side. He sized me up as though I were cattle he was interested in at an auction. I stared at the floor, pointedly ignoring his face, his touch. I just wanted it to be over, but he always insisted on taking his time. It was almost like he just enjoyed watching me suffer.

I could scream out in pain and he would laugh and revel in my agony. It was like he got off on it. There was no hope of escape, no dream of a savior, and yet, I continued to fight. I rejected every touch, every time his hand moved down my body and I felt my insides quiver and heave.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you today." He whispered into my ear. I could feel his breath on me and I held mine. "You shouldn't fight me, it will only make it more unpleasant for you, and more fun for me." He winked at me, and slammed me into a wall. It knocked the breath out of me and in an instant his mouth was on mine, forcing his tongue between my lips, behind my teeth.

He spun me around, pressing my cheek against the cold wall. My hands pressed against the wall, making some attempt to hold myself away, off of the coolness that was seeping into my bones. His hands wrapped around my small waist and up to my breasts. He groped and pulled and pinched. He pinched a little too hard and I flinched, wincing at the biting sensation. His hands moved down my sides, pausing on my hips, one slid down between my legs, cupping my pu55y tightly and roughly, and the other slid up to the small of my back and pressed me tightly into the wall. My arms collapsed and just lay against the wall, defeated.

Pushing the small scraps of clothing that I was wearing aside, he pressed and prodded around between my thighs, causing my eyes to well up with tears and me to bite my lip, hiding the winces and murmurs of pain. He pressed his hips into mine, making the large bulge in his pants obvious against my ass. Finally, his fingers find their way inside of me, and I couldn't hide the yelp of pain that came of it. The friction and dryness caused my eyes to well and spill over, and he spun me around yet again.

He holds me steady and leans in close, "Listen, I am going to do what I please with you today, and you are not going to fight me, understand?" I looked up at him, biting my lip, knowing that if I say no I will pay dearly, but frightened to say otherwise. His eyes clouded up and the breath went out of me.

"Yes sir," I nodded my head reverently, "I understand." It was no more than a whisper, but he heard me, and he grinned madly. "Good girl, good little pet. You will do well to listen to me, and I think you will do well here, period."

I watched him reach behind him and pull a dark strip of fabric. "Turn around." He commanded, and I obeyed instantly, weary of his anger.

The world went dark as I felt him wrap the fabric around my head, covering my eyes and blinding me from the world. I shivered, and I could practically hear him grin from within the darkness. It scared me, and I pulled my arms in close to my sides, tightly, as though it could somehow protect me. Without warning, I felt myself being lifted, it felt as though I were above a huge cliff, falling to my doom, and thrown. I squeaked a scream and he laughed as I hit what I knew was the bed. The rough surface and crusty blankets instantly making me itch all over. 

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