Untitled Part 3

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Bright lights in my face, caused my eyes to open and close just as quickly. Squinting above me, I raised my hand to block my eyes from the beams.

Mumbles...Meaningless sounds that escaped my mind. I couldn't understand what was being said, and for some reason i couldnt get any words out either, so I sat up and noticed that the lights were flashlights. I was being held by two men with dark, dirty looking beards. One turned his head towards me and his dirty face contorted into a sneer, as his grimy hand gripped my arm roughly, causing me to howl out in pain. Hauling me forcefully to my feet, he shoved me towards the door. I quickly glanced behind me, only to be shoved yet again by the burly man, this time harder. I stumbled, and my knees hit the concrete floor with enough force to feel the hit in my stomach, and my hands were scraped up, with little pebbles etched almost delicately into my palms.

I bit my lip, and hauled myself quickly back up, in fear of having the man jerk me yet again to my feet, and I began to walk forward. In a short amount of time, I was shoved into a big oak door, and told to open it. Slowly turning the handle, I stepped inside, feeling my knees knock together.

"I don't know if I can take any more today, God. Everything hurts, I just don't think I can handle it, please don't make me God, please." I thought to myself, feeling all hope slipping away.

An office...He sat behind the huge desk. His eyes reminded me of a snake, dark, evil, scary. I never could make out the color, just, dark, and cold.

"Take a seat." He told me. His voice sounded like smooth honey, but sinister and devilish. It sent chills down my spine and made me cringe. I could feel my stomach tightening.

Sitting in the tiny chair on the side of the room, I heard the big burly man tell the strange man behind the desk that I was bleeding, and had passed out. His eyes flickered toward me, and mine looked at the floor. One man told my story, the other determined my fate, and the other guarded the door so I could not run. With no options other than to sit where I was and be quiet, I did just that.

"Come here" I heard from behind the desk

I felt my body stand, before I realized that I was. My feet carried me over to the desk where the man stood, and I kept my eyes on the carpet. His hand slipped under my chin, and pulled my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Did you pass out?"

I nodded my head yes, after only a seconds hesitation.

"Are you bleeding between your thighs?"

My head swirled in fear and blank anger. Of course I am you stupid bastard!

"I'm talking to you!" and he jerked my head up by my hair until I had no room to look anywhere but into his cold eyes.

"y...yes" I sputtered out, and he dropped my chin. My eyes stung from the pain of his yanking my hair, but I gripped my arms tightly and I could feel my legs shaking underneath of me, practically begging me to fall to the ground again, as though it might comfort me.

"Take her to one of the rooms with the littler girls, and leave her there a day or two. We can't do anything with her if she bleeds all over the customers, they might get angry and not come back." He told the burly looking man.

Taking my arm, he pulled me from that door, to another, and shoved me through.

Looking around, a few small, wide eyed girls sat in a corner. Two girls were doe eyed, big and brown, but lost, confused, and hurt. It broke my heart to see their faces, bruised and completely lost. One girl sat a bit away from them. She drew my attention, and so I took my seat next to her. She was stunning, and at such a young age, the knowledge behind her eyes startled me in a way Ill never be able to explain.

Her blue eyes were electrified, like a blue fire burning inside of her mind. Blond hair in disarray, looking as soft as corn silk. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she mesmerized me. The young girl looked up at me, and she looked to have the intelligence of a much older woman. Had someone just seen her eyes, they never would have guessed she was only thirteen.

For thirteen years young, she was well shaped already. I could only assume that was why she was here, and with that though, my eyes dropped contact and i stared at the floor, ashamed for what they were no doubt going through.

"How long have you been here?" a soft voice asked me.

Looking up, it was the young blonde. "I couldn't tell you, honestly. I know it hasn't been more than a few days, maybe?" I questioned myself more than I answered her. A few days, a few weeks, there was no way to know. Every day felt like forever, and its not like there was any kind of routine to help keep track of anything.

It really had only been a few days, hadn't it? I thought so. It was so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that all this had taken place so quickly. One minute my life was like any other teenagers, and the next I'm being abused and hurt, bleeding and wanting to die...what had happened?

"I'm not gonna say it gets easier, because it doesn't. Every day is a new Hell, and every time you wanna scream because it hurts, you'll wish you were dead. The only thing I can tell you is that it's better to live in Hell, than to give up and give in to them. That's what they want, and they don't deserve the satisfaction." she said with an urgency that only someone that had been there could understand. "The one thing that keeps me going every day is that if i die, they're just gonna go find someone else to take my place...better me who already knows, than someone who doesn't or is even younger than me."

Shocked, I just looked at the girl. She was younger than I was, but she was giving me advice that couldve been coming from my grandparents. Was it even possible that this young thing was capable of giving advice like this? What had happened to her that had caused this? Was it all of this, had it damaged her? How was she so strong, would it happen to me? I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that this little girl seemed so much more mature and collected than me.

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