After five minutes it got quieter and he heard her say
"I'll be back in a few minutes guys"

"I'm so sorry it was my siblings." she said sitting down on her bed.

"Coco, I just instructed you to not apologize. Didn't I?"

" Yes sorr- I mean ok"

" Hmm good"

" I have to go now. Bye Xavier and promise me you'll take care of yourself."

" I don't do promises-"

" Pretty please? " she cut him off.

He sighed deeply and said
"Ok I'll try"

"Yes you must. I will text you as a reminder everyday, hmm?"

"Yes ma'am you may" he said.

"Ok sir bye bye" she said half giggling.

"Bye" he said and hung up smiling a little.

He opened his laptop and got started with the budget reviewing in the meantime.


Ailee on the other hand played around with her family for another hour and then went to bed.

She was happy that she talked to Xavier and had so much fun with everyone here.

She closed her eyes and slept peacefully.


Xavier reached the restaurant after an hour-long car ride.

He met up with the owner and manager and they gave him a thorough tour of the place.

Xavier liked the vintage style architecture but wasn't too pleased with the location. It was situated on a narrow road with not many decent people living around.

His time was wasted. It was clear he wouldn't buy it yet the owner didn't stop pestering him but one hard glare from Xavier and he shrunk back.

He left the place soon after to continue with his appointments.

It was around 2 in the noon when he got a text from Ailee.

'Beep Beep.
Time to rest Mr Romano~'

'5 minutes?'
-Xavier (Mr Romano)

'Ok but make sure you eat as well?'

-Xavier (Mr Romano)

True to his words he left his office after five minutes to have lunch in a nearby restaurant and then went straight to his penthouse for resting as he can complete the rest of the work from home.

He slept for a good two hours and woke up feeling so much better. He silently thanked Ailee and got back to his work.


Later that night he got a call from a private number.
He received the call but didn't speak, wanting the other person to reveal themselves first.

"Romano I was informed you're here in Russia. Welcome brother." said a deep voice and he knew in an instant, who it belonged to.

"Igor" Xavier acknowledged.

"Good to know you haven't forgotten me" came his reply.

" I received your welcome gift Igor and I must say it was rather immature coming from you." Xavier said mockingly.

Igor gritted his teeth hearing his insult.

" I will make sure you fall hard from that high horse of yours, Romano. You will pay for what you've done."

" Mhmm so sweet of you big brother I will be waiting patiently for that time."

" Yeah you do just that"
Igor grunted and hung up.

Xavier put his phone down and rubbed his temple, sighing loudly.
He too deserves a nice vacation after a decade of endless working, fighting, injuries and what not.

But first he'll have to do something about this pain in the ass of a brother and then he'll maybe think about himself.


Don't worry there will be no villain drama till the next 10 chap or so.
Let them soon-to-be couple enjoy a little bit, Shall we? 😏

Next chapter hint: 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Happy 2k😭🙌🏻Thank you so much ❣️

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Happy 2k😭🙌🏻
Thank you so much ❣️

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