CH IX: Part 1: Face-To-Face

Start from the beginning

Xulkrialyte Girl: "Fuck Ryna! Don't scream like that! You scared the poor thing!"

Ryna: "Sorry Nikki... Can I hold him please?" 

Nikki was silent for a minute and then said, "I guess... But you owe me a favor later. ~" Ryna seemed to be slightly annoyed by this, but she sighed and responded with a "Ok, fine! Whatever you wish!" Nikki smiled a devious smile and handed Nixx to her. Ryna took Nixx and already smothered his little head in between her chest globes. Nixx was just confused by this but assumed that after her hug, he was going to get more pets. Ryna soon did but instead she started to rub and scratch his belly. Nixx didn't mind it, he actually was liking that and so he cooed and purred more. Ryan loved his noises and said, "You like belly rubs too huh? ~" Nikki was watching and smiling as she had both arms up on the sides of the spring pool. Meanwhile, Zura was watching from afar and was making sure that the two Xulkrialyte women were being nice to Nixx. It looked like they were just giving him pets and belly rubs. Nixx wasn't the only Pup being loved on, other ones who were just running around playing were now being held and petted by female Xulkrialyte's, another was a beefy male Xulkrialyte who was holding a Xylowraith Pup with his one arm and was petting it with the other while speaking to a group of females and one other male. 

Zura was now thinking about going into a pool to lay down and enjoy the warmth. She was relaxing until someone came up next to her. Zura looked over to her right and saw it was Xiva. Zura nearly felt like getting up and standing at attention, but Xiva said, "Do not stress. I am here for a casual visit. Just like you." Xiva then went into the pool and actually laid close to Zura who kind of didn't like that. She just got a real unsettling feeling from her. Xiva did a churring sound and said, "It does feel nice to relax. Doesn't it?" Xiva asked out of the blue. Zura said, "Yes, it sure does." A bit of awkward silence, until Xiva was looking over at the two Xulkrialytes females who were cooing over Nixx. Xiva smiled the kind of smile that Zura did not like. It was a kind of smile that gave off a vibe that she was thinking of something, what it was Zura did not know. "Name is Nixx right?" Xiva asked. Zura jerked her head over and said, "Oh... Yes... I thought it was the best name for him." Xiva then asked, "It is usually a name for females. But I guess it is a males name too." Zura was not really liking the idea of Xiva questioning the name she gave to Nixx. It seemed fitting for him. 

Just then, Galvik arrived and walked by silently. Zura watched him as he walked by with his stern expression. He was still being intimidating as usual. Even some other Xylowraith's, and Xulkrialyte's were moving aside when he walked their way. He was heading for a large spring pool that was in one area where not a lot were nearby. Zura watched him go into the pool and lay down and then he closed his eyes. It seemed, like, he was starting to relax and meditate, he usually did that sort of thing when he was not doing whatever he was commanded to. Xiva then said something that made Zura look back at her, "So... Have ever thought about finding a father figure for little Nixx?~" Zura thought for a moment and looked around the place while thinking about it. She then came up with a simple answer, "Not really. I don't mind being a single mother. 

Xiva: "Oh? But you wish that Nixx does have a male role model to look up to someday, don't you?"

Zura: "Of course! I just haven't found anyone to be that role model..."

Just then she looked at Galvik, just there, still as a statue. Then, like Xiva saw that she was looking over at him and said, "Are you sure you haven't chosen one? ~" The tone in Xiva's voice really made Zura look back over at her and say, "W-What? No! I-I..." but Xiva looked at her with a sly smile and it was the kind that made her blush. Zura looked down and said, "I-I do admire Galvik yes... I think he is a perfect role model for Nixx. But I am not sure how he would react." She looked at Galvik, again he had not moved. Xiva then said, "I am sure he will accept. He can be a perfect father figure for Nixx." Zura looked over at Xiva and asked, "A-Are you sure? You really think so?" Xiva smiles and only nods in response. Maybe, this was a chance that Zura could talk to Galvik. He will probably be calm and not so stern or intimidating. She looked back at Xiva and said, "Ok... I will go ask him." Zura gets up and begins to walk over towards Galvik. While heading over there, Lazarus showed up and said, "Zura! I am happy to see you!" Zura smiles back and says, "Hi Lazarus. Yeah, I wanted to bring Nixx and show this place to him." 

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