CH II: Part 1: A New Place?

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Back to the present. Nixx was still asleep until the Hangar door opened, and a light came gleaming through and peirced the darkness. All the Xylowraiths activated their glowing lights as they all woke up. Nixx woke up and saw some humanoid figures walking in and heading for Zura. Nixx whimpered and snuggled closely to her in fear. "It's ok." She soothed him. Then more of the Creators, or Xulkrilytes, showed up and started to walk towards the other Xylowraiths that were getting up. Just then, the lights flickered on and were bright.

"AWAKEN!! YOU ARE BEING TRANSPORTED!! LEAVE THE HANGAR IMMEDIATELY!!" One of the armored Xulkrilytes roared. It was loud and firm. Galvik got up from his spot and was being escorted out. Zura then looked down at Nixx and said, "Come along. We are going. Stay by me, ok?" Nixx nods and coos. They walled out of the supposed Hangar and into a large hallway with other personnel and other Xylowraiths of all sizes. Nixx stayed close to Zura, who made sure he was by her side. She knew he was nervous as he saw the Xulkrilyte Soldiers walking by holding their staffs and rifles. They looked very intimidating, especially for Nixx. As they were walking in a marching like fashion and in big long, well organized groups, Nixx understood they were military.

He was not sure what they were doing until he was startled by a loud voice on a speaker, and then a large, very large door opened, and a beam of light shined through the opening doors. Nixx went under Zura. The doors fully , and the soldiers, along with the Xylowraiths, walked through the open doors. Nixx walked through, and he saw they were going outside on a big open plain and open forests. They appeared to be on some sort of planet. Nixx was amazed at the view of the sky and the grass and trees. He then looked back and saw that they were coming from or once were in a massive Pryimad structure that was glassy and glistened in the sun.

Another giant Pryimad was landing about half a mile from the one they were exiting. The Pryimad had huge thrusters at the bottom and spin as it was landing, and it was making a loud droining noise. It then landed with a huge "Thunk!" Noise, and it shook the ground below. Nixx was now looking around and was actually starting to run and play. He was fascinated by the world they landed on and ran around the Xulkrilyte Soldiers, who sort of looked down at him and then ingored him. Some of them appeared to be setting up some type of miniature structures that were being erupted by some sort of handheld device.

The shape of the structures was more like Pentagon. Nixx was running around some more, and then he ran up to a large tall Xulkrilyte who was muscular and wearing partial golden and black armor. He wore a piece that resembled a Xylowraiths hood, and it went down to his shoulders. He wore a necklace or collar around his neck that was golden and black with some type of shiney jewels. He wore half sandals/ boots on his feet. Nixx stopped and looked up at him and was curious who he was. He gave a stern stare down at Nixx, and it kind of was making him feel uneasy. He then backed away and then ran back to Zura, who was still with the other Xylowraiths.

The leader, or who seemed to be in charge, spoke to Kamil and her friend Rasmus, who were the ones who hatched Nixx in the first place. He said, "That was the new Xylowraith Pup you two hatched?" Rasmus replies "Yes sir. It is possible that one of the Females have claimed him as their own." The leader was not interested in that. He said, "How soon will he begin his training?" Kamil says "Soon we hope. He is still a young Pup, and we have to be careful. Either he will be successful, or he will be a failure."

Rasmus: "I hope successful. We smelted too many good Xylowraiths in the past years, and we are in need of them now more than ever. If we are to conquer any more planets, then we need as many as we can produce."

Yalmarez, the Leaders name, looked around at the workers setting up and the Xylowraiths being tended to. It was a possibility that they were preparing to raid another planet in the system. It was obvious as they were setting up some sort of new Command Center or Camp. He said, "Then see to it that the Pup starts his Training immediately! Do not fail!" Kamil and Rasmus did their salutes. Their salutes were where they clinched their fists and then corssed their arms over their chests and stood at attention. The Leader Yalmarez then walked away, and they went back to normal.

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