She was quiet, moving various things around the room to build her little contraption. It wasn't until he was pulled out of the chair and tied above the fire that he truly started to squeal as the flames kissed his skin. His skin bubbling above the fire. "Who sent you?"

"Your husband!" He screamed in pain, his skin cracking against the fire and his words confused her greatly

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"Your husband!" He screamed in pain, his skin cracking against the fire and his words confused her greatly. Sihtric was her husband. He would never wish anything bad to happen to her, or their child.

"You're lying." She held her blade in the flames now, the steel soon glowing orange as it heated up. She then pressed the blade against his arm, branding the ridges of the steel into his flesh.

"Ivar!" He screamed again and her heart nearly stopped. Ivar was dead. He died when the Saxons claimed their village all those years ago. She cut down the rope holding him, letting his body fall to the hard dirt and he quickly clamoured away from the flames.

"He lives?" She asked, kneeling before him so she could see his face for any signs he was lying. But so far, he was telling the truth.

"Who do you think let the Saxons take you? He thought you were dead. They made him a Lord as payment for giving up his lands and people." He cowered in a corner, terrified of what she would do to him next.

"No." She whispered out, he had willingly surrendered her to the Saxons. Allowed her to be tortured and raped. "Why now? After all these years?"

"He thought they had killed you. Then he heard of the new Lady of Cent. He's been trying to find you since." All the truth came flooding out now. No more need for torture.

"He killed my child. Why?" There was silence for a moment, but he quickly looked at her. A shadow of the man who had hidden behind cowardice to claim her child's life.

"He didn't want his wife to have another man's child. He will come back for you." She scoffed loudly; Ivar would meet the same fate as this man. She was done talking now. Gathering all the information she needed she grabbed her axe and took his head in one swift movement. She wasn't Ivar's wife. She hadn't been since she married Gregor to become the Lady of Cent.

She returned to the tavern, having cleaned all the blood from herself. No one would even think she had been torturing someone for hours with how calm she was. She found Finan, Osferth, Sihtric and Stiorra at the bar already several cups of ale down and she rolled her eyes with a small chuckle as she joined them.

"I honestly cannot leave you alone for five minutes." She smiled, placing a gentle peck against Sihtric's cheek and he passed her a mug of ale, knowing she probably needed it after today.

"Did you find out anything?" He asked her curiously and she simply nodded, but with one gesture of her eyes she made it clear she would tell Sihtric later when they were alone. He was the only one who truly needed to know.

They all drank for a few more hours, just enjoying being carefree. Sigyn didn't know how long her life would be peaceful. She assumed the man she killed was working with others and they had already informed Ivar of where she was and who she followed into battle. A fight would definitely be coming.

When they left the tavern, they watched as Edward's men seemed to be taking defensive posts and they all seemed to understand what this meant. Finan quickly turning to Stiorra. "Hide. Go find Aethelstan and stay safe. Okay?" She ran off, thankfully listening to his words.

They all rushed to find Uhtred and inform him of what was happening on the streets, Uhtred knew from the interruption that something must have happened. The room full of the Witan, Lady Aethelflaed and also Father Pyrlig.

"Edward's men, they're taking over the town." Sihtric alerted them all and everyone seemed to be shocked by this new move.

"Father Pyrlig, I must speak to my brother. Alone. Wessex and Mercia are allies." The Lady of Mercia tried to speak some reason, trying to avoid further bloodshed.

"He is at prayer; he has asked not to be disturbed." The priest spoke quietly, he may have been Edwards advisor, but he didn't agree with many of his choices lately.

"Where is the Mercian guard?" Uhtred asked, one of the older men of the Witan being the one to answer him this time.

"After Eardwulf revealed his betrayal the men were leaderless and disheartened. They scattered the lands."

"You're not safe here, my Lady." Aldhelm spoke, he was the most loyal to Lady Aethelflaed. His feelings and loyalty going deep.

"I will not abandon my people again. Promise me you will avoid further disputes until I can speak to Edward." Sigyn respected the woman, the weight clearly on her shoulders but she was always strong and made the right decisions for her people, no matter what she had to sacrifice in the process.

Everyone reluctantly agreed and left the monastery. Sigyn already knew that Uhtred would have a plan. He wouldn't leave her without any aid.

"Osferth. Sihtric. With me. We will not leave Aethelflaed at her brothers mercy. We ride out to raise the Fyrd." This was the first time Sihtric would be leaving her since he returned and already, she could feel herself breaking. She was only remaining strong because of him.

Seeing the broken hearted look on his wife's face he pulled her away from the others, his forehead against hers again as he knew the gesture calmed her anxieties. "Finan will look after you. I will be back in a day or so. If it's any longer I will abandon the quest and return to you."

"Be careful out there. Okay?" She didn't have the heart to tell him about how Ivar was searching for her. But the further Sihtric was from her, maybe he was safe.

"Always." He kissed her softly and headed for the stables to join Uhtred and Osferth. He lingered beside Finan for a moment, clearly telling him to keep an eye on Sigyn.

When it came to sleeping she was already struggling, there was a small knock on her door and instantly she grabbed her dagger, reluctantly opening the door but soon feeling relieved when she saw the Irishman. He eyed the dagger curiously before he stepped inside.

"I'm here under strict instructions. To make sure you have eaten, and you will sleep." He smiled, placing the basket he had brought full of warm bread, cold meats and fruits onto the bed. He soon moved to sit behind it, his eyes watching her as she placed the dagger beneath her pillows. "You know who it was, don't you?"

"I haven't had the chance to tell Sihtric yet. If I did, he wouldn't have left with Uhtred." She sat on the bed too, peeling off bits of the bread and chewing it before she noticed Finan was waiting for the full story and she sighed softly. "When I was young, I married a fierce warrior. He was called Ivar. We were happy, or so I thought. It turns out he sold out our whole village to the Saxons for land and an official title. I thought he had died, protecting the village. He thought I had died when they captured me. But when I became Lady of Cent, he learned the truth and he's been searching for me ever since. He thinks I am still his wife and didn't want me to be spoiled with another mans child."

"So, where is he now?" Finan had heard rumours about what the Saxon's did to her, so he wouldn't make her focus on those horrors anymore than she had to.

"I have no idea. But he is coming for me." She never thought she would fear Ivar, but after seeing what he had done. She realised she never truly knew him. He could kill them all. When she lost herself in her thoughts, she felt Finan's arm around her and instantly she was grounded, cuddling into his side. "I don't want him to hurt any of you."

"Sigyn. We can protect you. All of us. You just need to let us." He smiled softly at her, trying to feed her some of the cold meats. Knowing Sihtric wished for it she laughed softly and grabbed the food from his fingers.

"The things we do for love." Now Finan laughed softly. After she ate some more and he was happy that she would be full he moved to lay down, just holding his arm out and she didn't think twice before resting her head on his chest and falling asleep. His warmth helping comfort her enough to send her into a deep sleep.

But her dreams were plagued with visions of Ivar. He was older now, looked more ruthless and had a small army. He was on the move. But she couldn't see where he was headed. 

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