Chapter: 4 His.POV

Start from the beginning

"Capo" Elijah quickly straightens up and waits for the next order. He move to pull out another chair for the man to set but the man just gestures him to not to.

" Ha parlato?" the man asked Eliza gesturing to hunter Eliza shook his head in denial and said " no Alexander non ha detto niente, sta solo dando scuse meschine" (Translation: Did he speak/ no Alexander he didn't say anything, he's just giving petty excuses" )

The man now identified as Alexander goes in front of hunter " non hai molto tempo cacciatore" leaning closer " So quale vantaggio hai con la tua lingua, potrei usarla per fornire risposte, mi dispiacerebbe strappartela dalla bocca" He whisper the last part threatening tone . He then then took a step towards the torture devices laying on the table .

( Translation: you don't have a lot of time hunter/ I know what advantage you have with your tongue, might i you use it to provide answers, i would so hate to tear it from your mouth.)

"Va bene!! Ok, ti ​​dirò tutto, ma per favore, non farmi del male " with that hunter started to list all the information he gave . (Translation: Okay!! Okay, I'll tell you everything but please, just don't hurt me )

"Senti, ti ho detto tutto quello che so, per favore non farmi del male " he pleaded with Alexander, Who shared a look with Elijah as they both sported dark smirks on their faces .(Translation: Look i have told you everything i know , please don't hurt me)

Alexander then picked up a gun from the table and started to point it towards hunter. "cosa stai facendo, mi avevi promesso che non mi avresti fatto del male se ti avessi detto tutto" (Translation: wha- what are you doing, you promised me that you will not hurt me if I told you everything" )

" Ti ho dato la mia parola, che non permetterò a nessuno di farti del male dicendo che non ho detto nulla sull'ucciderti, sono due cose diverse" Alexander told him with an emotionless face.(Translation: I gave you my word, that i will not let anyone hurt you saying I said nothing about killing you, they are two different things")

The sound of a gun shot was heard, some splatter of blood splashed on Alexander's white shirt " ripulire il corpo" Elijah nodded and started to follow Alexander out of the room to order the clean up.(Translation: clean up the body)

Alexander started make his way to his car, he then drove directly to his house which was more like a mansion. After parking his car he went directly to his room to take a shower, after it he went to his closet to get some clothes to wear, groomed himself, and went downstairs to have dinner his housekeeper prepared for him, after dinner he went to bed but not before checking some of the emails.

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~{ Flash back }~

Alexander's POV

I woke up at 5 o'clock, did workout for some time after completing it i went for a shower to fresh up , the clothes were already on the bed so i headed downstairs to have breakfast.

I then took out the keys of my Lamborghini Aventador

I then took out the keys of my Lamborghini Aventador

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