Lemon Drop

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Lemon drop across the sky
Hazy eyes, cigarette smoke, the itch on the back of my throat.

Summer sweet, play me a mellow song
Have we met before? I have a memory, I don't know if it happened or not.

Yellow ball pressed against my thumb
Ashtray full cigarettes that are not mine, but I smoke alone.

Sour candy, dust and midnight
Where are my glasses? This is not my house, not my dust, my socks are too tight an my skin just doesn't fit right.

Sugar rush, acid punch
I must insist, have our lips met before?I need to know

It's been too long since I opened the fridge, now I am scared for the lemon and the cheese I left in there.

Lemon dropped up from the sky
Will your seeds grow tall trees, or will you see tall trees grow from beneath.

Taste the candy before it spoils
Don't you forget your about  kin, is there bread enough to last when you are gone.

Sharp ball that bleeds my thumb
I get hurt, often and on purpose, to know I am alive. I like to smoke.

Sour candy, dust, I think of that song
The handprints in the mirror tell a story different than the blood on the floor.
Lemon drop across the sky.

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