Start from the beginning

amiri was sleeping on darrian because he was sad that celeste had lied and didn't come to his birthday party. when dd had gave him the gift she bought him he didn't even want it he just wanted to be with celeste so he was on notti's back when they were walking to the hospital and ended up falling asleep on darrian.

"here, i'll take him." isis pulled her hands out for amiri since she knew the first person that would want to see her cousin was darrian. darrian nodded before giving amiri to her.

darrian walked to the curtains but stopped when he saw marc who was starring down at the floor. as much as he wanted to see celeste he knew it was only right that he saw her first.

darrian tapped him on his shoulder making him lift his head, "do you wanna see her?" he asked him. marc nodded frantically and got up from his chair. he sent darrian a small almost smile, "thank you young man." he ruffled his head before walking in the room.

darrian sat down on the seat marc was sitting on and waited for him to come out. he played with the bracelet that celeste had made for him in the meantime. he hadn't even realized that someone was talking to him until he zoned back into reality.

"i can tell you really like her. cel never talks about anyone but you bro." jay said as he fumbled with the yellow beanie that celeste had first gifted him when they first met. darrian turned his head at jay and just nodded.

when jay was called and was informed that celeste was in the hospital he ran to the hospital. he didn't even got in a car or anything like that he just ran. he didn't believe it until he saw the amount of people that was waiting the waiting area.

it all felt like a fever dream, like it didn't feel real. everyone wish it was but it unfortunately wasn't.

darrian lifted his head when he saw marc emerging out of the blue curtains, he saw the tears pooling in his eyes as he came closer into view. marc nodded towards darrian, in someway he was telling him he should go see her which he did.

darrian let out big breath when he made it in front of the curtains before walking in. his eyes landed on the unconscious girl that was laying in the hospital bed. he slowly walked to her seeing how much her features had changed. her once colored face pale as ever, her once soft skin was dried up with obvious tears.

darrrian now stood next to her. he didn't even realize he was crying til he felt salty tears making contact with his pink lips. darrian wiped away the tears with the sleeve of his hoodie but it didn't help his case since the tears were falling down with no warning.

darrian sat down on the chair that was next to the bed, he grabbed her hand in hopes that she would interlock them like she usually did but her hand didn't move. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he mumbled not even being able to speak properly.

darrian felt like he was the cause of this whole situation, if he had just picked her up instead of letting her walk she would be by his side today. though a come is better than death darrian couldn't help but think, what if she never wakes up?

what if he never gets to hear her laugh again? or see her smile?

the thoughts were so overwhelming he started crying even harder. soft, steady streams of tears started to rapidly fall from his eyes and he didn't even bother to wipe them away. darrian put his head on the bed, still holding her hand. "i'm sorry ma." he apologized once again but it was barely audible.

though celeste wasn't awake she could recognize him by his tough alone, by smell; she would know him if she was blind, by the way his breath comes and his feet struck the earth. she would know him in death, at the end of the world.

darrian lifted his head when he heard someone walk in he could barely see but he could tell it was his mom. the dominican woman put the a hand over her mouth when she saw celeste's unconscious body.

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