Part 1: Home Sweet...... Home?

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Our plane just landed and I'm happy cause that was the worst plane ride ever. There was this little kid behind me who wouldn't stop kicking my seat. It drove me nuts.

Anywho, we just got our suitcases and now we are on our way to the new house.

I took a seat right next to my little 5 year old sister Leah.

"Honey?" My mom called in a her soft voice as usual.

"Yes mom?"

"Tomorrow we have to go to you new school. If that is okay with you."

"Oh yeah. Thats cool."

I laid my head on the window and slowly started to drift off into a sleep, but got woken up since we had arrived.

I should mention that it is about noon.

"Honey can you carry Lee up to her room?" mom asked me

"I would if you told me which room is hers."

"Oh silly me. The doors have names on it. Oh after taking her, make sure to check your room." She winked

I picked up Leah and walked into the house.

If you are wondering, the only reason why a of our furniture is put away is because my moms friend and my aunt Helen came by and put everything in place.

I took Lee up to her room and walked into mine. I gasped when I saw it. It had mint green walls, lights all around. It was awesome. Best thing is that I have a bay window! I like them because I can do my thinking there.

Another cool thing is that there is a hallway next to my room and is you go all the way to the end there is a balcony.

I laid on my bed for a bit then decided to go out for my daily run.

Since I was already in yoga pants and a sweatshirt, I just put on some runnying shoes and ran down the stairs.

"Mom, dad, I'm going for a run."

They responded with an okay, and then I ran a few blocks until I found this dance studio.

I walked in and was greeted by this young lady.

"Hi, um I was wondering how much it is to join?"

"Well, it's $25 every month" she responded

"Wow that's cheap" I stated

"Yeah, well there are a lot of kids here that can't really afford payments. Would you like to sign up?"

"I do, but I don't have any cash on me."

"Oh no worries you can sign up and take care of the money later."


I signed up, handed the lady the paper work then ran back to my house.

On my way to turn the corner I bumped into someones hard chest and fell with the person landing on top of me.


I was just doing my 'daily' running and was about to turn the corner, when I suddenly bumped into a tiny frame and fell on top of I'm guessing a her. Damn I was probably crushing her.

"Damn I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I said whie trying to help her up.

"No, no. It's fine."

"Are you sure? Are you hurt?" I asked while finally looking up to see her face.

Dayum, she was hot.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways gotta go." She said and left.

I think I'm hooked on a girl who I just met.


To be competely honest I kind of hurt my wrist, but he was hot and I couldn't really get anything out but that.

I got home and the day went on as it would usually go on in LA,

I went up to my room and fell asleep while watching Jack Harries on YouTube.

Maybe this will be my home sweet home after all.

The Rumor That Started It All - A Grayson Dolan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now