Draco nodded, focusing solely on the fact that a Death Eater had saved his child, without hesitation, from a tragic fate.

"Thank you," he replied, kissing the head of his son before taking him off to the kitchen, where Narcissa looked pleased to see her grandson back where he belonged.

"Such a gorgeous boy," she smiled softly as Scorpius was sat into her lap by Draco, who went upstairs to find his distraught wife sitting on the floor of the nursery, Scorpius' pet snake, a stuffed one given to Draco when he was a baby, in her arms.

"Darling," he whispered gently as he took her into his arms and kissed her head.

She sobbed into his robes, and he chuckled lightly.

"Scorpius Draco Malfoy has returned home to us. He's safe," he said.

Hermione wiped her tears and looked at her husband for reassurance. He nodded and took her by the hand, leading her downstairs where she inevitably ran to the chubby boy in Narcissa's lap and held him tightly.

"Oh, my sweet boy, I'm so sorry," she whispered as she kissed Scorpius' head and he giggled.

Draco smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, looking down at his wife cuddling their son.

"I do believe this calls for a celebration, so I'll get out the Sherry," Narcissa laughed as she stood up from the chair and walked away to the wine cellar downstairs.

But a boom echoed through the Manor and a blood-curdling scream filled the walls as she was struck down by none other than Voldemort.

He moaned unappreciatively as his wand struck her heart and she fell to her knees as blood pooled out of her chest.

Draco watched, tears streaming down his face, as his mother was murdered. He couldn't save his mother, and protect his family at the same time. His eyes lowered to the ground as Hermione tightened her grasp on his arm, Scorpius hidden in her chest.

"Draco..." she whispered. He nodded, kissing her softly.

"I love you," he said.  And with that, he lowered her arm and grasped his wand.

Hermione held back a sob as she watched him slowly move towards the figure standing over his mangled mother.

"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled, as the spell backfired and the bolt hit the wall beside the Dark Lord.

Draco was getting ready for another spell as Voldemort plunged the wand into his chest. He fell, gasping for air, as the blood pooled around his feet and his eyes grew dim.

"No!" The faint yelling of his wife filled the silence of death as his eyes slowly closed.


He woke up in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, whereby Luna Lovegood was tending to the hole in his chest.

"You're lucky to be alive," she mused as she tore gauze and stuffed the wound.

She clicked her teeth together as she wound the thread between the hole and his skin.

Draco sucked in a breath and she pulled tighter, making  it where the stitches would stay in until the acquired time of falling out on its own.

He felt a warm hand on his forehead, looking over to see Hermione with tears in her eyes.

"We had feared you were lost forever," she sobbed softly as McGonagall touched her shoulder in knowingly affection.

"You are a trooper, that is for sure," a voice sounded beside the two women, and Draco half-smiled at Potter's relieved smile.

"I reckon you deserve a Butterbeer," Ginny echoed and he let out a pained laugh at that.

"We're proud of you," Hermione said, kissing his head.

"Yeah, you really sacrificed yourself," Ginny said, and Harry put a hand on her shoulder.

Draco scoffed, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Not like I wanted too," he replied with anger. "I was wanting to murder you-know-who. He murdered my Mother. Least I could do was repay the favor!"

Hermione put an arm around his head and laid her head on his chest. Draco grunted frustratingly as the hole in his stomach began burning.

"It's the medication I put in the gauze," Luna said, taking McGonagall aside and whispering something to her.

"He's in bad shape," she murmured and the old woman nodded in agreement.

"He is and the Ministry won't allow visitors. Tell the others besides his wife they need to leave. Death would appear to be on the horizon for Malfoy," she whispered.

Luna ushered out Ginny and Harry and McGonagall went with, to talk to them about what was happening.

Luna pulled Hermione aside and gently let her know, holding her close as she cried.

"He's not going to make the night," she said. Hermione nodded solemnly and put a hand over her trembling lips.

"This is it," she replied, as tears fell down her bronzed face and she pulled her dress down. "I'll be a widow in the morning."

She returned to her husband's beside, sitting in silence, looking at him with love in her eyes as her heart sank with despair.

Luna tried everything she knew to keep him going and his heart beating, but she had failed. She left the two alone and went up to her old bed chambers, leaving the door open if she was needed during the night.

The night was long and Draco sweated and screamed in a restless sleep. Hermione cried softly as she held him tightly and prayed to someone that he'd be okay.

The next morning, Hermione sighed softly as Luna drew up the white sheets and covered the cold corpse of Draco Malfoy.

"Come along, dear. We'll go check in on the new Master Malfoy," Luna said, taking Hermione's hand gently and leading her away.


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