23. Bubble

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90k reads!! Tysm!! This is mad

"Okay, you have to tell me everything now." Amber's words are firm as she tears into a croissant from the tray on the bed between us her eyes focused on me. Having not seen each other for a month (something unheard of for the two of us) we had planned a room service breakfast this morning, before the chaos of race day commences once more. We had each wrapped ourselves up in the slightly scratchy white hotel robes, the oversized cheap slippers on our feet as Amber spilled on her life over the last month.

Her travels to Greece had been similar to mine (dreamy), before stopping off in LA and most importantly here. Her whole family was here this weekend to support Lando, we had been out for dinner last night with Cisca, Oliver and even baby Mila to celebrate Amber's new job. Her friend from around the track Carla also joined along with her boyfriend George, who it turns out also drives in Formula 1. The whole thing made for a pretty awkward conversation when I turned and asked him what he does - just because I watch the races now doesn't mean I pay attention to anyone other than Charles (and sometimes Carlos and Lando).

"Tell you what?" I ask in response to Amber's question, humming to myself as I work out whether I want a croissant or the fruit more from the platter laid out infront of us. Both look so delicious, the fruit bowl mounded with fresh berries and crisp slices of apple. Equally the croissants are huge and freshly baked - I go for those first, deciding to eat one whilst they're still fresh and warm. Amber just scoffs between bites of the pastry at my question, her eyes narrowed at me as I tear at the corner.

"Stop it Lill!" She urges, nudging me with the groaned words. "I get why you were so closed lipped last night but, c'mon!" Amber huffs, rolling her eyes. I kept quiet last night because it was about her. I'm so proud of figuring everything out, every person sat around that dinner table was. A fact I made very clear in my speech after dinner before ordering a round of shots and forcing everyone (except George and Daniel, but including her Mum and Dad) to down the liquid in one. Everyone disappeared to their rooms fairly quickly after that - an occurance I was ecstatic with as it meant I could slip into bed beside Charles an hour earlier than planned.

"I don't know what you mean." Amber huffs once more with my denial and I understand her frustration completely. There's a pause as we both pick at our food, she stays glaring at me, quiet in thought and I rack every part of my brain for a subject change. The only thing that's in my mind right now is Lando, but I don't want to upset her when we have such a long day ahead of us. I already know Lando hasn't spoke to Amber for weeks - reminding her of the fact before she has to spend a whole day around people cheering his name would only seem cruel.

"I know Charles has been staying at the flat over summer." Amber announces, her expression flat as she looks to me with questioning. I can't say a thing, I don't know what to tell her. I get the feeling she already knows what I'd say anyway. Or, at least, knows all the information I'd be able to give her.

"I know you haven't got your own room here and you're staying with him." My lips part with her knowledge, she'd hugged me goodbye outside of my hotel room last night without a word of this knowledge, without a mention of Charles.

"How do you kn-"

"I know he's been buying you expensive gifts and even went as your date to Luke's party!" I frown at her announced words (and interruption), a small gasp leaving me as my mind churns out where she's pulling all of this information from. Charles had always been conveniently out of the flat when we spoke on FaceTime. With her ever-alternating time zones we have barely in the position to speak on the phone most days like we previously did. Amber looks excited with the information she knows as I just stay lips parted.

Lilly & Leclerc ~ [CL 16]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora