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You woke up later in the afternoon, alone in your bed, aside from the small weight in your arms. A mound of fur, balled up and sleeping peacefully. Lucky.

You gave her a quick peck on the head, waking her up, then stood from your bed, stretching. You grabbed your pants off the floor, thankful your boyfriend was at least decent enough to put your underwear back on for you. With that, you walked out to the livingroom of your dorm, only to find it was empty. You found your phone on one of the arms. In your notifications was a message from Rui, saying he went out to get some snacks.

You sat on the couch to relax, a mew sounding from down the hall, along with the jingling of Lucky's collar as she ran out to where you were. She hopped up onto the couch, rubbing against you roughly, demanding attention. You gave her a few pets, before both of you flinched at the door opening. In walked Rui, a dollar store bag in hand. You smiled at him.

"Rui!" You cooed excitedly, and he tilted his head, looking at you in adoration. He sat the bag on the counter in the kitchen, then met you as you got up and ran to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "How're you feeling?"

"A lot... lighter, actually," he chuckled. You pulled him down to kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm glad. You're alright, then? You enjoyed yourself?"

His face grew the lightest shade of red, eyes turning away from you. "Heh, yeah."

"Hey now, why so aloof, hm?" You narrowed your eyes. "Is my Ruru embarrassed?"

He softly pushed you away as his face heated more. You watched him, hands on your hips, as he fished into the plastic bag he'd came home with. He handed you a bag of goldfish.

"Give some to the baby too."

You looked at him skeptically, and he stared back into your eyes, almost fearfully. You huffed out a sigh.

"I will. Thank you." You kissed his cheek another time, then returned to your cat, who had already recognized the bag you held in your hands and sat perked up, paws kneading into the couch. You opened the bag and poured a few onto the fabric in front of her for her to eat, then ate a few yourself.

Rui walked down the hallway to your room, then came back and sat next to you, one arm rested wrapped around your shoulders. You snuggled into him, munching and watching him flip through movies on the TV. You soon found that, with all the salt on the goldfish, you were thirsty. You sat up, rolling the top of the bag down.

"I'm gonna get a drink. Want something?"

"I'm good."

You went out to the kitchen, grabbed yourself a glass of juice, and returned to Rui. However, now he was laying down, Lucky in his arms. He patted the space by his head, and you walked over to fill it. He lifted his head so you could sit under it. Once both of you were comfortable, you slipped your hand into his hair, playing with it the way he liked. He smiled and closed his eyes blissfully, looking like he was ready to sleep already.

"What're we gonna have for supper?"

He frowned, eyes opening to look at you in disappointment.

"Way to ruin the moment."

You chuckled. "It had to be said at some point, or else we'll starve. Plus, I missed lunch."

"You were asleep."

"You were too."

"Only for a good 10 minutes," he answered, "but I pretty much had cheetos for lunch. And I ate them all. That's why I went to the store."

"Oh, you," you sighed, shaking your head. You continued playing with his hair, until his voice came again.



"Did I do alright earlier?"

"Yeah, of course you did. I wouldn't be so loud for nothing," you chuckled.

"Well, I've heard of girls faking it. I don't want to accuse you of that, but... I know how you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings..."

"No, you did amazing, Love."

He sighed in relief, looking aimlessly towards the kitchen. "You were pretty amazing yourself."

"Oh, that? Just wait until I give you a blow job," you chuckled. His eyes flicked to you, cheeks growing hot. He didn't exactly know what that meant, but if it was supposedly better than what you'd already done, he was dead.

"What? You're getting flustered over that? Or is your face red because you want me to try it?"

He placed his hand over your mouth and turned his reddening face away, hoping you'd stop putting thoughts like that into his head. He didn't think he could handle it if you managed to arouse him again today. Hell, he probably couldn't take it tomorrow, say nothing of you touching him again.

"Fine, fine, I'll hush. Either way, you've been doing research, hm?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know what a blow job is. How do you not know what it means to go down on a girl?"

"I haven't done any research..."

"Then how did you know?"

"I didn't."

You stared at him in confusion, and even now he didn't dare meet your eyes.


"You scare me, Y/n," he admitted, and you tilted your head with a huffed laugh.

"Really? How?"

"I just..." Frankly, he didn't entirely know. Saying you made him feel good didn't make sense.

"You don't have to try to explain. It's not a bad scared, is it?"

"I don't think so."

"Good. Sorry, I'll try not to tease you so much. Anyway, do you want to know what a blow job is?"

"Aha, m-maybe... tomorrow?"

"Oh, looking for a physical demonstration, are you?" You suddenly remembered what you just said and face palmed. "Ah, shit, sorry. I just said I'd..."

"It's fine," he sighed. You trailed your hand down his cheek, but it turned pink and he reached up to pull your hand away, holding it instead. You leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek, but he made a strained face and got up, saying he was going to grab a drink.

"Hey, I offered to get you one and you said you were fine!"

"Well, now I'm thirsty."

You chuckled. "You don't say?"

A New Season | Rui Kamishiro x F!Reader (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now