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Omniscient/Flashback *trigger warning*
"Dr. Cole that sermon of yours WHOO! You did that sista." Brother Johnson said to my mom but really looking at her boobs.

"Mhm Brother Johnson my eyes are up here." My mama said making him blush in embarrassment. I immediately chuckled cause he know damn well he wrong.

"Baby go see if your Uncle Braxton is in his office and if he is tell him to come on if he want Jacky's cooking." My mama said.

"Yes ma'am." I started my journey to the back of the church while softly humming 'A Secret Place' by my Aunt Karen.

As I got closer to my Uncle Braxton's office I felt goosebumps go down my spine. My spirit felt worried and scared, a part of me wanted to text my mama and tell her I couldn't find him but black mama's gon try and find something themselves and she wasn't bout to beat on me cause she found him and I didn't.

"Uncle Braxton you in there?" I softly knocked on his office door.

"Yeah come in Gracie." I opened the door just to be hit with the scent of coffee and strangely alcohol.

"Mama said if you want a meal then you betta come on." He nodded and since nothing was said I started headed back towards the door but he quickly got up and blocked my way.

"Uncle Braxton stop playing and come on you know how mama is about time." He just chuckled but not like a warming chuckle, like an evil chuckle. One that made chills run all over my body.

"I see how you be looking at me Londyn." I could smell the alcohol on his breath which made me scrunch my nose.

"Can you move.. please?" My voice cracked a bit as he continued to chuckle.

He grabbed me by neck and covered my mouth while I screamed as loud as I could. "STOP! PLEASE! UNCLE BRAXTON!"

"Shut the fuck up." He slapped me into the desk and climbed on top of me. I kicked and screamed for him to get off me but nothing worked, he turned me around and lifted my dress up sticking two finger in me.

"Please stop!" I cried and cried as he kept pumping in and out of me.

"Get off of me! MAMAAAAA! HELP ME!" He slapped me again.

"Shut the fuck up! Ya mama not saving you, if anything I'm doing her a favor." Before I could scream again he stuck himself in me making me go mute.

I looked around and spotted a picture of my mom and the church board as he kept going in and out of me, tears fell from my eyes as his moans grew louder while he nutted in me.

"Mama." I whimpered. I wanted everything to go away.

"WHAT THE FUCK! GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" I heard someone scream, the person's voice was a familiar sound.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TERRY! YOU BASTARD! GREGGGG!" I heard my mother yell out for my father, within seconds he came running quickly noticing the surroundings before slamming Deacon Braxton to the ground.

"Come on baby. Come on, mama got you." She said softly while pulling me away from the fight. I felt so numb and I had blood all over me.

"Greg leave him there and grab the car, pull around back." My father stomped on him one last time sending a bloody Deacon Braxton to cough up blood.

My mother pulled out her phone to call someone while I examined the room still in shock. The broken glass where I fell into the desk, his blood from every punch my father gave him, his cum spots. And my now broken soul.

"Clean it up, no one needs to know about this." I heard my mother say before returning back to me.

"Come on baby your daddy should be outside." We walked further down the path to the back where the kitchen was. As we walked out the door, some people were walking in. The last dude nodded at my mother and she nodded back.

After that my mother took me home, ran me a bath and washed my hair. She laid my head on her chest and hummed me to sleep, but right before she teared up and apologized to me. I drifted off but once I woke up it was like nothing ever happened, we never talked about it. It was a like it was a nightmare.

Present/Londyn's POV
After that exhausting night I ended up waking up at my Aunt's house with my daughter beside me. I'm sitting here at the ceiling thinking is living here and being back with the family really worth all this drama? When I was in Houston, my life was peaceful and quiet but now after a week it feels like trouble can't seems to leave me alone.

"Gracie you up?" I heard a knock on the door and my cousin's voice.

"Yea come in." Seconds later I was met with my big cousin.

"Wassup Ki." I said softly while rubbing through my baby's curls.

"How you feeling about yesterday?" I sighed not even knowing where to begin.

"Nikki and Jr never had an interest to have a relationship with me, I mean by the time I was born they were grown. Ry was up there with them but she was home enough to make a relationship with me, I rarely saw Nikki or Jr. But I've always been nice and cordial with both of them because they are my mother and father's children, but at some point I had to learn with them, especially Nikki, I can't be like that. So I'm done with them and quite frankly I'm done with Detroit Ki." She sighed hearing me say I was done with Detroit, which was true. Being back home was draining me which was noticeable.

"Gracie, you just came back home and Erra has already gotten comfortable here and around us you can't take her away now." Kierra said.

"And that's the problem, she was never supposed to get comfortable here. Her home is in Houston, that's where she was born. My home is in Houston, that's where my peace is. Detroit is now my painful past Ki." I said while wiping my tears before they fell.

"And I know what you're asking me Ki, I do but I have obtained a type of peace that NO one has been able to touch except this family. When I was in Houston I had my life on track, her life was on track, yea I was little hurt because I didn't have my family and neither did she but we were happy. I was happy. I can't give that up for no one Kierra, I'm sorry but I can't." She looked at me with so
much hurt in her eyes but I couldn't stay. Detroit will always be my home but it's not a place where I can stay and I need my family to understand that.

"So when you leaving?" Ki said snapping me out my thoughts.

"I don't know.. I mean of course I want Erra to be around family but at the cost of my peace? There's a lot of things I'll sacrifice for her but damnnit Ki y'all asking for a lot." I said once again tearing up.

"I hate feeling divided. Five years of no family has affected me in more ways than one but I've grown to deal with it and at some point it became peaceful. I'm so fucked up right now Kiki.." I said breaking down. Kierra quickly laid my head on her shoulder while I just cried, I was so tired and drained it didn't make no sense.

"I will support you no matter what, ok? And if moving back to Houston helps you continue living in peace then by all means go back home honey, I only want you & Erra happy my love. As long as you don't go another five years without speaking to us, I don't think I'll survive that again." Ki said with tears filling up her eyes.

Her saying that made me smile a little. Yes I was moving back home but that didn't mean I was leaving my family. Seeing in how a short amount of time Erra has grown close to her family, I couldn't even think about keeping her away again.

"Thank you Ki. I really needed to hear that." She smiled and kissed my forehead, just like she use to when I was a kid.

"Good luck telling Mommy and Auntie that though." I sighed thinking about that. They was both going to take it hard, especially my mom since we're not on speaking terms but I don't wanna leave until we talk about our past. I deserve that much.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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