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"Where is sunghoon hyung?" Jungwon asked walking out from his and Jay's room holding a piece of paper?

"He went out why? What's that?" I replied curiously looking at the paper he was holding.

"Hyung, haven't you find a paper like somehow like this in your things?" He asked showing the paper that's turn out to be an envelope  of latter, it was a simple  stationery paper but it's smell familiar.

" i didn't why, what's in that envelope?" I asked looking at him only to saw a sadness in his face.

Before he can answer me Sunghoon walks in the house absentmindedly.
"Sunghoon hyung?"Jungwon called but the other didn't give any reaction.

Jungwon runs to him and grabbed his arm forcefully turning the other to face him

"Jungwon, I'm tired i want to rest" sunghoon complained without meeting his eyes, trying to remove the others arm, i watched them worriedly.

"He didn't left just like what we thought!" Jungwon blurted making all of us confused, what is he talking about?

"Find this kind of paper in your things, NOW!" He commended us but Sunghoon looked at him with a smirk on his face.

"Why di i have to, And for what?" He asked looking at each of us his eyes are red, - he cried again.

"Just do it" jungwon answered but sunghoon removed his hand and leave.

"He left a letter to each of us but he did hide it to a place we-only ourselves known" jungwon blurted making sunghoon stop and us surprised.

"Look jungwon if you can't accept the fact that your best friend left us, left  you without any reason. Don't drag us because you see we-are I'm trying to move on and trying to live my life without him for 2 years 2 years jungwon! And that f*cking latter is useless because you know why?! Because whatever is his reason is, it is not acceptable! It is not enough for him to be forgiven!! He left us and he isn't allowed to comeback!!" Sunghoon stated in fury, no one dared to answer because as we all  know he is still in pain from what happen, he shuts his room before  we even call his name again.

"Jungwon what are you talking about? And what was the latter you are talking about" i asked walking closer to him snatching the paper from him.

"I saw that on Jay-hyung's laggege i didn't open it nor read it but i know it was from him" he answered

"Look at the hand writing name of jay hyung at the back of envelope, it was his" he explained, i looked at what he was and it was really his hand writing but it can't be.

"Jungwon maybe this is from him. Why can't we try to accept that he really left us and try to move on from what happened. You see it's not easy but it's been 2 years sunghoon is still in pain and he need us. We have to be strong for him, we can't left him alone in darkness" i said trying to give them idea that we all need each other and that we have continue after what happened.


THE LATTER WAS NOT from him. It was really Jay-hyung's other friend, i hoping-yes because i want to know where he us and how is he, i feel sorry for giving  them false hope that maybe we can find out his reason for leaving and for reminding Sunghoon what happened.

"Hyung? I'm sorry for assuming that your latter was from him. Maybe i was just eo depressed to where he is and how he is and his reason that i did what i did" i again apologize to Jay-hyung he looked at me and smile.

"It's okay, we all want to know his reason but we can't force something because we want get it, maybe time will come and will let us know his reason" he replied as he kissed at my forehead  before we settled our selves on the bed to rest.

THE HATE HE NEVER DESERVES Where stories live. Discover now