Truth or dare

117 5 14

*Daisy, Hazel, Alexander and George are lying on the floor playing truth or dare completely sober*

Daisy: Hazel truth or dare

Hazel: hmmm...dare

Daisy: *whispers so Alexander can't hear* tell a joke that ends up with you rolling on top of Alexander.

George: *laughs*

Hazel: *whispers* am I supposed to not want to do that as I'd happily do that any day if the week

Daisy: damnit

Hazel: *turns to Alexander* Knock knock

Alexander: *confused* who's there

Hazel: Daisy

Alexander: Daisy who

Hazel: Daisy me rolling *rolls on top of Alexander and ends up with her face inches away from his*

Alexander: *kisses Hazel*

Daisy: *fake pukes*

Hazel: Alex do you have a pen in your pocket?

Alexander: *confused* no why

George: *realises and begins to laugh*

Hazel: *realises* it's not a pen

Daisy: ewww

Alexander: *realises with a look of horror on his face*

Hazel: *kisses Alexander hard*

George: *wheezing with laughter* Alex...your...

Alexander: *bright red* shut up George

Hazel: *whispers in his ear* you won't have me complaining if it happens again.

Alexander: *turns a deeper shade of red*

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