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*At a sleepover, where the gang are all laying on the floor drunk (apart from George and Alexander).*

Daisy: did you know that a turtles only weakness is that it is unable to flip back over if it is knocked over onto it's back. So if you taped two turtles together they would be invincible.

Lavinia: Be right back I wanna try something, you coming?

Daisy: Hell yeah

George: Daisy, Lavinia no

Kitty: *stabbing a cereal box*

Amina: oh my god you're a serial killer

Hazel: knock knock

Alexander who's there?

Hazel: Daisy

Daisy: yeah

Alexander: Daisy who

Daisy: Daisy me

Hazel: Daisy me rolling *rolls on the floor and accidentally rolls on top of Alexander*

Alexander: *turns bright red*

Hazel: Alex, something in your pocket it really hard, do you have a pen in it or something?

George: *chokes*

Alexander: *flustered* ummm a pen...d-d-definately.

Hazel: well it's annoying, take it out.

George: *crying with laughter*

Beanie: tampons look like little ghosts

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