Chapter: IV Shooting star and her car

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It was a hot afternoon, you were doing a practice run on a track. Growing tired, you were getting sloppy on attacking the turns and shifting gears, your crew chief noticing it. 

Crew Chief: "Y/N? You ok? You seem out of it today...somethin on your mind kid?"

Y/N: "*panting* N-Nah! It's nothing!" 

You then proceeded to slow down and go to the pit lane, exiting out of the vehicle before leaning on the door. Removing the helmet as you take some short breaths, your crew chief then soon walked up to you, tossing a bottle of water.

Crew Chief: "I think you should take a break first Y/N, todays enough, you've still got a week left before your next race"

Y/N: "Alright...I guess I do need a breather or two..." 

Time-skip to 3 hours later brought to you by

The scenery then changes from the track to a place around the mountains, you could be seen driving downhill as you sigh once more, slowing down a little bit down the roads as your mind begins to be cluttered.

Y/N: "What is it with me today? It's been different lately...." 

As you continue to ponder, a place caught the corner of your eye, you saw a bar in the distance and decided to take a drink or two over there and maybe some food to relax. Driving over the bar and parking, you then exit out of your vehicle as you make your way inside, the bar looked nothing special outside. It had a rather obvious Japanese theme into it, and it looked like it was made out of wood. Muffled chatter could be heard inside as it sounds like everyone was having a good time by the laughter  being heard. You smiled and walked inside as the door bell chimes, a blue haired figure cleaning down their front bar with a piece of cloth.

???: "いらしゃい (Welcome)" 

The figure greets you in Japanese as she smiles, you return the gesture and bow slightly.

???: "What may I serve you in this fine day?"

Y/N: "Oh um..."

Y/N: "What do you guys have?" 

You then sat down across from her as she cleans a just finished mug. She then closes her eyes and hums for a bit before turning to you once more. Her smile not disappearing once. 

???: "Our bar doesn't usually have that many food since our primary market source is well...alcohol hehe" 

???: "I can whip up maybe fried rice and a mug of cold beer?"

Y/N: "Now that sounds enticing! Yes please!" 

The assumed bartender of the place nods and smiles as she walks to the kitchen, starting up the stove as sounds of metal clacking could be heard. You then rest your elbows on the table and your hands underneath your chin. You hummed quietly and wait for her to finish prepping everything. While waiting however...2 figures approached you, sitting down in each side, making you sat in between of them. Their breath reeked of alcohol, their face, flushed, clearly indicating that they were drunk. One of them hics before turning to you, smiling slightly. 

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