After quickly checking the menu and choosing, they waited for the charming waiter to come back and get their order. Johanna discreetly checked in her little mirror if her makeup was still on.

“Are the English ladies ready to order?” the seductive voice asked.

“Yes... Please, for starter we will take the poached duck foie gras, broth flavored with pepper from Nepal, vegetables wok and crisp duck, and I will have a roast anglerfish and thinly sliced “Cullatello” ham, green asparagus and fondant potatoes.” Amber recited, smiling and handing him the menu. “And your best red wine.”

Bien sur! What about you, mademoiselle?” He asked, looking at Johanna.

“I… I will have the bouillabaisse of John Dory, spring baby vegetables with basil.” She managed to say. “And wine, like her.”

“Good choices, very refined taste. May I ask you if you’ve already decided what to take for dessert?”

Amber and Johanna looked at each other; they had forgotten.

“You can give it a look now. I won’t go anywhere” He winked, giving back the menus.

“Merci.” Amber replied.

“So, are you enjoying Paris?” He asked, cheerfully.

“It’s our first day… We have literally just arrived. But everything looks so wonderful…”

“Oui, I know. There is something about Paris that is fascinating.”

Amber laughed. “Of course a French person would say so.”

“Oh, they would! But I am Italian.” He smiled.

Johanna looked at him again, assimilating the new information. He indeed had Italian features: strong chin, dark hair, a slight tan. She noticed a little tag on his blouse that said “Arturo.”

“You have a nice name.” She said.

Grazzie” Arturo winked at her. “And as it is your very first day in the City of Lights, may I offer a little recommendation for a night entertainment?”

“We would love it.”

Arturo took off his pocket two pieces of paper. “Those are for a party tonight in a Club called Le Magnifique.”

Amber gasped. “Le Magnifique? It’s one of the best clubs in Paris!”

Oui, mademoiselle. And those are two VIP tickets.”

“How did you get them?” Amber asked shocked, then she shook her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“Haha, it’s alright. I am a waiter in Maison Blanche during mornings, and a DJ at Le Magnifique at nights. Well, certain nights, certain days, at least. Anyway, I hope to see you lovely English ladies there tonight.” He gave them the tickets.

Johanna could feel her cheeks burning, and she wondered what was happening with her; she hadn’t felt that way it had been a long time, like a silly teenager girl on the edge of her hormones.

“Oh, we will be there! Thank you so much!” Amber smiled widely.

“Excellent. So, are you ready to order the dessert?”

“Oh, please, I will have the wild strawberries from Malaga, blancmange with vanilla and cardamom ice cream.”

“Alright. And you, mademoiselle?”

Johanna tried to look at him directly in the eyes, but as she did, she felt the warmth in her cheeks increasing, and had to look away. “Warm chocolate cake, Bailey’s panacotta and vanilla ice cream, please.”

“Oh, le petit gateau! My particular favourite out of the menu. Great choice, mademoiselle...?” he looked at her inquisitively, as if he wanted her to finish the sentence.

“Johanna.” She replied. “And my friend, Amber.”

“It’s a great pleasure to meet you both.” He slightly bowed his head. “Excuse me now, ladies.”

He walked away, and finally Johanna released her breath.

“Oh. My God. Did we just get tickets to the most wanted club in Paris? VIP tickets?!” Amber said, excitedly. “Can you believe this? I should post this on my Facebook right now!”

She grabbed her iPhone out of her purse, and Johanna laughed. “Something tells me we really need to go out and buy some clothes.”

“And dirty lingerie for you.” Amber winked.

Jo Goes To ParisWhere stories live. Discover now