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Oh to be nude even with clothes
Because I have been stripped off every emotion known
Am left with just humiliation in my bones
They have seen everything still I can't show
I search for their faces but can't look at my own
I'm reaping off the seeds I've sown
The godmothers said it'll be over-
Where did they vanish before the sorrow could be gone
Raised to hate my sins, love my lore
Learned to light a candle now waiting for it to glow

At your every command I shall bow, to your throne
Very much aware that from lies it was born
My feet bleed from the thorns you have grown

There lays my body breaking down,
Into the earth, to it's heart, back to where it came from
Vines erupt and flowers bloom,
The stars aligned to make a portrait too perfect-
One that can't be drawn
Artists have tried and failed and they lay besides me,
Wondering how the universe had loved them like they never thought

Harps are now playing tunes you can't hear
The galaxy took me within it,
Sang songs that you'll never know
Ever thought, how it's to be wanted like never before

I die and cry at my grave again,
Yearning to go and return
I crave honor, care and love
Ask me about every pleasure I indulged in
And I would say none

Wish to be the soil that wraps my body
Or the flames that flare me up
The dress I wear or the books I touch
Want to be passed on like a myth
So they wonder if I was true

Paint me in lust and speak about it
Dream of us in fields of tulips
Where you look at me as if I am your dream
Darling hallucinate, because I couldn't
I was too drunk on the fiction that eternity was here

Maybe like a phoenix I shall rise-
Again from my ashes burned
Maybe I'll drown with you
And become the sea foam once done
Maybe sob at night and become dew at dawn
Maybe cloud my thoughts and become fog

Will I be allowed to go back or permission should I seek
Verity is;
I was believed into thinking my self is something I do not own
Wish I knew this before,
I was made to dance with demons and ghosts
No force can stop me and my burning hopes
Perhaps I will die soon, probably on my own
But I will make death proud to take me
Take me once more
May my tombstone thrive with words unsaid, with words unknown

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