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I hurt myself by being drunk in love
I tear myself down because I think it doesn't hurt
I hope on that it'll get better
I'm caged in a chest and forced to beat forever
Now I know why caged birds sings
They want to be heard through their melodies
Stupid enough to believe obvious lies
Don't you get it, helping them is useless
They've always ignored your cries
Running after passing joy
The more I move the more I'm left behind
Can't ever break free from my mind,
But if I do how will I survive?
Overthinkings become a habit
Every time I catch myself red handed
It's getting blurry, my breaths on hold
I ask myself constantly, will it ever stop
I should stop gaslighting myself, it's unhealthy
But if it cures my pain, it's the right deed isn't it
Throbbing, hurting, stabbing, when will these voices shut up
Don't they get tired by putting me down
I'm too sensitive, a bit crazy and melodramatic
Nothing works, I can't control it
It's not in my hands to rule it
I want it to go numb, overdosed by morphine
I wish my heart stopped beating
But then how will I live without it

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