But I guess there is, because he clears his throat. I lift my head, looking at him with my brows raises. He looks a bit nervous. He is fiddling with his straw, like he is debating on what to say.

"I uhm—" he starts. "I have this question, or like.. idea." He says.

I hum. "What's that?"

"I've been thinking about what you said," He says, looking up at me. "About me not knowing you. So to fix that.. I was wondering if maybe—" he trails off, looking away.

I feel a smile developing already.

He takes a deep breath. He turns back to me and with confidence he asks, "Want to go on a trip together?"

I raise my brows, starting to tilt my head. "Seriously?"

He nods. "But that's only if you want too." He says. "I know it's our only break, so you might not want to spend it with me. I understand that." He says.

He seems pretty confident, but cautious. He knows what he wants, which makes him confident. However, he doesn't know what I want, so it makes him cautious. Needless to say, he is dying to hear what I'm going to say back.

I think for a second, before smiling at him. "I think I'd like to spend it with you." I say, nodding.

He starts to smile. "Really?"

"Really." I repeat.

He just smiles. "Thank god. I was about to cry if you didn't." He says it under his breath, but he still wanted me to hear it. He takes a sip of his drink, while I just laugh.

"I can't imagine you doing that." I say.

"I can't either." He chuckles, before standing up.

I furrow my brows, a confused face washing over me. I don't know whether to laugh at that, or ask him what the hell he means. I turn around on the couch, looking into the kitchen.

I stop myself from asking, though. He pulled out his computer, and he is now typing something on it. He raises his head, noticing me.

He motions to the computer. "I'm just looking up things to do." He says.

I hum. Already?

This is kind of weird, now that it hits me.

How did everything switch up so fast?

Maybe I'm just overthinking, but it's like he's a totally different person now. He's eager to be with me, he's actually talking to me and not yelling, and he is oh so happy about us being alone together.

I don't know. I like it, but it's all so weird. Well, not weird. It's just new. A change.

"Do you want to stay here or venture out?" He asks suddenly.

I snap out of it. "What?" I ask, standing up. My shirt gets caught up a little bit, revealing a bit of my stomach as I begin to walk.

He watches me as I walk over to him, the look in his eye being familiar. He looks back to the computer, clearing his throat. "There are some good places in town if you'd like to go there. We can go an hour out of town, however, and book an Airbnb or room."

I lean on the him as I look at the computer. He is looking at picture of this nice resort in the mountains. It's luxury. It's big and beautiful, the views being absolutely perfect to wake up to.

"Woah." I mutter.

"I know." He chuckles. "Should we book it?"

My stomach whirls. We. We we we. We.

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