Chapter 1

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!TW: Slight gore!

-Narrator's pov-

A giant wolf rests peacefully on the hard  dirty floor of their cave. They started to stir at the sound of leaves crunching under heavy footsteps. Slowly opening their eyes to see who disrupted their slumber.

Voices were soon heard close by, two male voices to be exact. The wolf rose up quietly and listened to the two males talk. "I'm telling you, I saw it go in here, honest!" A slightly high pitched male voice told the other.

"Tsk, whatever man, if there's a bear in here I hope it eats you first." Another male voice responded. A dim flashlight shined into the quiet cave as the wolf waited in the shadows. The two males stepped in the cave slowly yet still managed to make a lot of noise.

"Be quiet! If there is something in here we're gonna wake it up." The high pitched male whisper yelled. The two males walking farther in the cave, shining the light everywhere. The dim light shined on the huge F/c paws of the wolf, making it slowly rise to meet the face of the beast.

A loud growl ripped from the wolf's throat at the light in its E/c eyes. The males both screamed in terror at the sight of the wolf. Their screams soon mixed with the sound of tearing flesh and craking bones.

- - - - - - - - -

The same giant wolf is seen trotting through the trees calmly in the forest. Completely obvious to the darkness that seemed to hang on every branch. Sunlight barely reaching the ground of the forest of death.

When the wolf passed the very light sunlight shining through, F/c fur was seen. Dried blood from its earlier kills still covered the paws and mouth of the creature. The wolf stopped when they came to a near by river that flowed smoothly.

They lowered their head towards it and started to drink from it. After drinking  they dipped their bloody paws into the cold water. Slightly moving their paws around to wash off the blood then shaking off the water.

They then walked off back to their cave to sleep the day away until night. Obvious to the faceless man in a suit watching them in the shadows. The man turned and started to walk the opposite way the wolf went.

- - - - - - - - -

The wolf finally reached their cave so that they could sleep the day away. Curling up on the dirty cave floor and laying their head on their paws, they drifted off. Their tail swaying softly by their side, brushing some dirt away.

A small wolf pup chased a yellow butterfly in a large clearing as adult wolves watched. Some other pups wrestling near by, kicking up dirt and dust along the way. A lone black wolf lay on top a slab of rock that was risen by other rocks to make a den.

His sharp blue eyes watched his pack carefully, ears twitching at the sounds close by. Looking to the left, he listened closer to here heavy footsteps. Ears pinned back and growling, he signaled his pack to be ready for an attack.

The pups were led into a smaller den to the right and guarded by a grey wolf. Elders were with the pups, keeping them from running out. The rest were waiting for their alpha to give them orders.

Everything happened too fast to remember clearly for the pups. Guns shot off, deafening everyone close to the clearing. Wolves tore people apart while trying to dodge bullets flying through the air.

A grey wolf lay dead in front of the den where the pups and elders were. The pups were grabbed roughly out of the den and put in cages. Soon after they were loaded into a truck while the rest of the wolves lay dead in the clearing.

The F/c wolf raised their head away from the floor fast. Their nightmare still clear in their mind as their breathing evened out. A silent whine came from them as their ears drooped slightly.

Rising softly from their spot on the floor and looked out to see a dark sky. Stars splattered the dark sky, making slight pictures on the black canvas. The wolf walked out to sit in front of their cave to watch the sky.

A faceless figure stands in the tree line, just out of sight of the beast. As the wolf sat peacefully watching the night sky as a static filled the corners of their vision. A deep voice echoing one word through their mind at the same time.


(Sorry it took a bit for this chapter, I just kept procrastinating it until now, also who would you like to be introduced first?)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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