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-TW: Nothing really-


Keep running...


That is what your mind screamed at you to do as bullets whizzed past you. Your feet ached and your legs burned from running on the rough terrain. The sound of sirens blaring and people yelling echoed behind you.

You told yourself not to stop, no matter how hurt your feet got or how tired you were. The thought of freedom the only thing keeping you from stopping your escape. All you wanted was to be far away from those people, that place.

Away from him.

You just ran, not caring how long or how far, just until you couldn't hear the yelling. Trying to block the low hanging branches that hit you, scratching up your already damaged face. Tears filling your eyes but not daring to spill until you were completely alone.

Once everything became silent you stopped, your body seconds from collapsing. Your (S/c) covered in dirt and dried blood, you didnt know if the blood was yours or not.You looked around with your (E/c) eyes at where you had stopped.

Only to find a creepy, dark forest surrounding you. Sighing, you walked around a bit before stopping at a small clearing that had a cave. (E/c) eyes slightly sparkling at the sight of familiar shelter.

Eager to finally rest, you rushed as fast as your exhausted body could. The tears finally starting to fall, slowly but surely. You laid down on the cold stone and dirt, not caring as this wasn't anything new.

Curling your body around itself to try and warm your cold body. You slept somewhat peacefully that night, knowing you werent there anymore. Finally after almost your whole life of being trapped in that lab, you were free!

For now....

A Killer Beast (Creepypasta x Animal!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now