The Singing Forest

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[Meanwhile in the Doom Raiders' Lair]

Chef Pepper Jack was furious.

Chef Pepper Jack: Ugh, those Skylanders! They'll NEVER leave me alone along with my evil plans! What's worse, that meddlesome Wolfgang appears out of nowhere to help them. Maybe the Book can help me. There must be a super-powerful, super-evil spell in there I can use to knock him out cold... again!

Chef Pepper Jack keeps searching through the Book of Dark Magic.

Chef Pepper Jack: ...

Still searching...

Chef Pepper Jack: Hmm..?

But the book was no longer here.

Chef Pepper Jack: Wait- where's the book?


My Turn!

It was our turn! Lolly showed me my attacks. I have Strike a Chord and Knee Slide. My ultimate power is Song of the Underworld, which is a powerful move that I only do.

Now, about the Singing Forest. The Singing Forest was a world populated by trees, grass and all life on this world, note the Life Element on the sign. The Life Hydragon said that something about that mysterious witch that lives here, which I am about to find out.

Wolfgang: This is too easy.

I raise my hand up and strum my boneharp guitar hard, causing a musical shockwave called the Song of the Underworld to damage all enemies and get an instant KO. It's a win-win for us!


[The Gulper arrives quickly.]

The Gulper: What in grape soda is going on?

Chef Pepper Jack: Gulper! Where did you hide the Book of Dark Magic?!

The Gulper sighs.

The Gulper: Ugh... Gulper thinks this is why you have to clean our lair every day.

Chef Pepper Jack: I did clean my- wait a minute! I told you to hold on to it when we were at the Skylanders Academy. How DARE you joke at a time like this?

The Gulper: Well, I mean, yes. But if you recall... You told Gulper "never ever EVER touch this book."

Chef Pepper Jack: ...Yes. Because it belongs to Kaos, and me.

The Gulper: Then you must know where it is, because it's yours.

Chef Pepper Jack: Um...

Silence fill the air of their lair as they look at each other.

The Gulper: ...

Chef Pepper Jack: ...

Chef Pepper Jack spoke again, only in a worry tone.

Chef Pepper Jack: ...Kaos is gonna kill me when he finds out about this.


Further and further throughout the Singing Forest, we made it to the end of the road where we see two Chompy statues.


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