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the rest of the week went by slowly, each day your thoughts full of michael de santa– much worse and more intense than before. after his little performance at the country club, he was all you could think about. and you wanted him more than you'd ever wanted him before. at least now, there was confirmation that he wanted you back. something you never thought would be the case considering he was your best friends father. apparently he was one for fantasies as well.

   you were in the middle of taking photos for your social media when tracey's image flashed on your phone, indicating an incoming call.

hey trace

y/n, you've gotta get here quick!!!
my dad is going crazy on my mom,
she cheated and he's flipping out!!!

   the girl cried through the phone causing you to become alert immediately. you informed her you were on your way before getting your things together in a hurry, your thoughts began spiraling. you didn't see michael as the abusive type, but you didn't know what else to think when tracey said he was going crazy on her mom.

   on the way there, you couldn't imagine what was going on at the house. you had heard stories of michael's rage and outbursts from tracey– but you had never seen him lash out. except maybe the other night when he had picked you up from the bar.

   the outside of the house was awfully quiet when you arrived. no cars in the driveway and a strange silence in the air. you knocked on the door awkwardly, waiting patiently for anyone to answer. some yelling could be heard inside before the door swung open. "thank god you're here" tracey sniffled, extending her arms out for a hug. you knew she was going through a lot, so you were glad to offer your presence.

   "i don't wanna be in this house anymore. lets go out somewhere, anywhere" she grabbed a hold of your sleeve. "alright tracey.. let's go" you offered a sad smile before inviting her into your car. the two of you drove around aimlessly for awhile, not knowing what to do or where to go. eventually you two settled on vespucci beach, a place you both loved deeply.

   at nighttime, the place was usually deserted. but since it was still summer, small groups littered the sand as you two walked toward the ocean. "you know.. my dad cheated on my mom first" she sighed, clearly in heavy thought. "did he?" you questioned. your breathing became uneasy on the subject of the man. you weren't entirely processing what she was telling you.

   "like i've said before.. he's a psycho. if i told you everything he's done you'd never wanna be near him again" she ranted, you listened intently. "i just wish i had a normal life. with two normal parents who loved each other" her voice began to break.

   one part of you wanted to tell her that things could be worse, and that millions of people had fucked up relationships with their parents. or that she's lucky to have both of her parents, unlike you. but then another part of you saw the vulnerable and fragile girl she was, and you knew she was too young to have all this stress constantly raining down on her.

   "i'm so sorry, tracey" was all you could muster. but your interest suddenly fell back upon what she said about her father. ".. what has he done exactly?" you tilted your head at her. her reaction told her everything you needed to know about how serious it was. "seriously, y/n. it's life changing information" she laughed, beginning to nervously fidget with her hands. "i'll tell you another time. not tonight" she urged.

   you accepted silently, trying to think of something to change the subject. no ideas.

   as you watched the dark waves crash down onto the beach, you just wanted to be there for her. even if you didn't say much, you hoped your presence was enough comfort. "your parents love you. at least that will never change" you looked over at her, she looked sadder than you'd ever seen anyone. "sometimes i feel like that isn't even true" she sighed.

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