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loud chatter woke you up as your eyes slowly opened. your head felt heavy and fuzzy, you had absolutely no grasp of the reality around you as you stirred awake. an annoying woman's voice rang through your head like a siren, after a few blinks you were able to tell it was amanda. she had been speaking flirtatiously with a young man leaning on the kitchen counter.

you were laying on the couch in the middle of the de santa household. you had zero clue what you were doing there.

suddenly jimmy appeared in front of you, his gaming headset sitting against his ears as he held a plate full of food. "haha! you guys are hungover. such losers" he snorted before turning around to head up to his room. "wait, where's trace?" you groaned, rubbing your eye socket with your knuckle. "in her room. she's acting like a zombie" he snickered as he made his way toward the staircase.

after making it upstairs, you pushed her door open. she laid on her bed with an cold rag on her forehead. "i think i'm dying" she muttered. you trudged over, collapsing on her bed beside her. "me too" you sighed. "what even happened last night?" you turned to gain a look at her.

"we were having an awesome time at the party before my asshole dad came and ruined everything" she spoke with pure disgust. suddenly your eyes grew wide, your mouth hanging open slightly. the memories of you and mr. de santa had been faintly coming back to you. was i coming onto him? you thought.

you could only remember you and him sitting together in the living room the previous night. no specific dialogue or actions came to mind, but clearly something must have taken place for you to have spent the night on the couch. "where is he.. your dad" you watched her movement.

"he's at therapy. god knows he needs it. he's such a psycho!" she whined. you sat up straight now, analyzing your finger nails as you tried to take focus off the pounding headache you had. "i'm gonna go home and be useless for awhile... i'll text you" you sighed, standing up and flattening out your dress. "sounds good, talk later girl" she bid you farewell.

with that, you made your way downstairs again. the house now felt awfully quiet, besides jimmy's constant swearing. you grabbed the phone in the kitchen as you began to dial downtown cab company's number.

you had your back facing the entry way to the kitchen as you held your gaze outside. you were trying to peer at what amanda was up to, she was getting awfully cozy with her tennis instructor as they walked toward the built in courts.

"morning, sunshine" you heard from behind your right shoulder, though it startled you. spinning around to be faced with michael, your mouth fell open slightly. he had his finger placed against the phone receiver to end your call. "who ya calling?" he asked curiously.

you eyed him from head to toe and god did he look good. he sported a cream suit with a white dress shirt, the first button was unfastened. it was a subtle detail, but it made all the difference to you. "h–hi, mr. de santa" you swallowed. usually you were a very confident girl, but as you stood in front of him hungover– you felt anything but.

"it's michael, remember?" he smirked. "now who was it you were calling?" he tilted his head at you. you felt yourself becoming distracted with how hot he looked. "cab company" you muttered. "fuck that! i'll give you a ride" he exclaimed, almost as if he was waiting for you to say you needed a ride.

although you were in a vulnerable position, you would never deny being alone with the man. so you obliged. he was delighted to say the least, you were just what he needed after the stressful morning he had.

the two of you slipped into his black tailgater, the car smelled of mint and cologne. "so, fun night last night huh?" he smiled to himself, clearly he was enjoying this little game he was putting you through. he lowered the windows slightly, the wind blew through the car– rustling your hair. "i don't remember much of it... unfortunately" you kept your eyes forward, but could feel him watching you every now and then.

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