Epilogue #1

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"Aren't they beautiful?" I whispered, watching the two kits nestled at my belly.

"They're gorgeous," Hiveclaw agreed. "But they're both she-cats..."

"Hush, you!" I elbowed him. "I worked hard to bring them into this world."

"'Course you did," he agreed drowsily.

My kitting had been through the night, so everyone was tired. Twilightgleam had stayed up to help, even though she was expecting Windbreeze's kits. She was odd in that way – she'd fallen in love with Windbreeze's father, and then she'd moved on, ever so easily, to his son.

"Let's name them," I murmured.

"Sure thing," Hiveclaw meowed with a wink at me.

"List the names we thought of."

"Well, there's that one who looks like you. Stormykit," Hiveclaw decided.

I rolled my eyes at him. "We did not discuss that, and there's already a Stormypaw and a Stormpaw in with the forest cats."

Hiveclaw shrugged.

"Rainkit," I decided.

Grudgingly, Hiveclaw nodded. "I liked Stormykit, though."

"Shush, you!" I smacked him teasingly, and he grinned.

"And the other one?" He looked over at the black and yellow tom. "She looks like me. Let's call her Hiveykit."

"Hivey is not a word," I meowed decisively, "and we are not naming her Hiveykit. How about ... Lightningkit?"

"You bet," he said, with another grin.

"Yay, Lightningkit!" I meowed happily but drowsily.

My head dropped to the ground from weariness, I only got out seven words before falling asleep.

"Welcome to the world, Rainkit andLightningkit."

CotS #1: The Dark Path (currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now