13 - twenty minutes

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The lodge had ensured a very well spent day in a variety of ways. It was not only skiing activities they were given the opportunity to amuse themselves with during all the hours they had promised each other. The inside of the lodge had offered board games, an arcade, as well as lunch by the fireplace which was certainly taken advantage of by the grandparents who skipped breakfast that day for reasons they still could not bring themselves to share. Once the outdoor activities were completed, even the bizarre ones which made Agnetha's jaw drop, like the girls bravely challenging one another to an ice swim, Jens, Christian and the young girls rushed to those awaiting in the lobby lounging area with news to share.

"Listen, listen—" Tilda barged in. "I would love to tell you all about ice swimming and ice fishing, but we will have to do that over dinner. We don't have time anymore."

"Why?" Linda asked. "Dinner's at seven." The woman looked up at her brother and partner, but they had laughed both nervously and embarrassedly. "It's at seven, right?"

"Here is the thing," Christian began. "What happened was we thought we booked for 7 pm. The place just gave us a reminder, and only now have we realized it is actually at 6 pm." Everyone looked at times on their wrists or on their phones. "We called but they don't have later availability."

"Christian, it is nearly 5:00!" his sister laughed.

"Which means we should leave immediately, so we all have the chance to shower, change, get ready, and everything–"

"I told you I should've made the reservation," Isabelle chuckled, not commenting that it was things like this that made her love her man just a little bit more.

"We should probably get going."

"Can we stay here?" Linda heard the youngest of her girls ask.

"No. No, I don't think so," she denied. "We've been here yesterday, today, and we'll have time to do the same tomorrow."

"Besides we are going to Santa Village," Tilda reminded Signe. "Didn't you say that's the place you wanted to see?" And quickly the excitement was visible, having Signe be the first out the door and awaiting her family. If it wasn't for her sudden urging for them to hurry, they would have taken more time and complained about it after.

The ride back to the resort hadn't been more than twenty minutes to reach. It was much darker now, the sky an illuminating navy blue hue and the igloos being a warm tungsten lit area. They each had the plan in mind, knowing when they had to be ready so that they could make it to Santa Village in time to walk and make it to their dinner reservation.

Agnetha had the key in her hand for the door, prepared since she was still in the car. Björn patiently waited on her, watching her as she fiddled with it to get it to work, as now they were just two at the door of suite number 103 and he took his time. The light by the door was on for them making it more convenient. Very playfully, he smiled at her with a question and vision in mind.

"Can you get dressed in twenty minutes?"

"Did you forget I was able to do full changes in just five?" Her laugh was sarcastic in response, as she began pushing the door open for them to walk through.

The man stepping in had stomped his feet from the snow so he didn't bring it in, and turning faintly, he began to close the door behind him. There were sounds made from her, such as dropping the keys on the bench beside the door to free her hands, and unzipping her jacket. The moment, although insignificant, was important to each of them. It was silent like there was something weighing into the atmosphere of the room, calm pressure that formed excitement, and they realized it wasn't bothersome. On the contrary, it was only a thrill of anticipation.

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