1 - nothing awkward

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Footsteps made crunches in 3-inch deep snow as soon as the vehicle stopped at its destination, a journey ventured with the only expectations being of making unforgettable memories. The sun had shone a warm light in a land of icy cold and the breeze on that winter day, and although chilling to the bone, it was a relief to the woman who already named a thousand times she would never take a flight again. The trip had better be worth it.

Lapland Finland was a dream place to be, everyone who had ever been had promised so after being surrounded by the scenery. Something magical happens there, they all said, dreams would be made, perspectives changed, and memories built. The elder woman had heard it countless times now, being her age, however she never knew the next time she'd be talking about it, she would be accepting a Christmas gift into her hands, a brochure of the resort, and a gift card for Canada Goose. The nerves that built pressure around the room that evening hardly came from her. It came from seven family members who all held their breaths as they awaited her reaction and her answer. Surely, she'll decline. And she did. She couldn't accept it, she knew exactly what it meant. A flight. And not simply any flight. A flight that would be 3 hours long, and for her that was a total hour extra she didn't want to agree to.

She had paced the house for days, past Christmas, and past the new year. The days turning time into weeks was cutting the deadline low. The trip was nearing and she overheard the grandkids say countlessly how she'd go either way.

Matters were taken into their own hands. Just as the way they gifted her the Canada Goose gift card, they had asked for it back. They browsed through the store online and had ordered extreme weather bearing jackets, along with boots for her, and even goggles with a lovely tint to match the lavender shade of the snowsuit they picked out.

It wasn't until the very last week that she had been convinced. She didn't want to upset anyone. It was, in the end, thoughtful, and truly as they say— magical to be able to witness the sight of the upper north, the skies, the stars, the feeling of cold and snuggling for warmth.

Lapland had been a dream to visit for ages. Every once in a while, her memories take her to the idea, knowing she would never experience it like her friends did. Nor did she feel she needed to anymore, but there was nothing wrong with dreaming it. There had come a few times when she had seen the lights make their appearance over the city, but it just wasn't the same as dedicating a far north trip to experience the enchanting view, especially with the one you love, and in her case that one was long and far out of reach now.

Somehow the time had come for it now, she thought, when she felt she was least prepared for it.

How bad could it possibly be? Four nights to spend in a beautiful glass room, to sleep beneath the stars? The flight? Perhaps, she'd get over it. That wrecking fear of hers has improved. She'd made other short trips over the years since, and the thought that her family went out of their way to arrange a family trip with her two children and their own families, and included her into it all... How could she say no? It would have been selfish. So she agreed to the flight. And the flight, she concluded, was not the most challenging part about the trip after all, because as it turned out, her children, grandchildren, and she were not the only ones taking this family vacation.

"Agnetha," a small hand had reached out, palm open and ready to help her down and out of the vehicle. The charming man was out of the van first and had turned his attention to her before anything else. He noted her blonde hair blowing in the stinging coolness of the wind, and her eyes squinting from the combination of the sun and the snow.

What was she thinking? That they would not invite their father too? Of course they had planned everything and left this to be announced during the arrival to the airport. What did they think? That she would back out if they told her sooner? Why would she have anything to say at all? She had scoffed to herself thinking all these things as she pondered the situation during the entire travel time. How silly.

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