10 - bubble

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Something special had seemed to develop that evening, bringing things together as if they were destined to be. It had felt like the stars aligned more perfectly, clouds that fogged the sky had disappeared all of a sudden, and all that was blocking the limitless possibilities began to vanish by the minute. The couple which had discovered there was no longer any point in running away had remained facing one another, inseparable. Their connection emotionally, mentally, and physically had, too, made it clearer it might have just been their destiny to reunite on such an unpredictable trip.

It happened to be that for a few moments the joined pair had to pull back and wonder which one of them wished upon the shooting star for the night to end up this way. Whether it was a wish made by them, or manifested between each 11:11 experienced by another who kept them in mind, it was something that proved to be worth it in the end. The wish upon the star was set in motion, a miracle working like lightning, even in the irony that they'd waited forty long years for it to happen. Between warmth of their feelings or embraces, the two entrapped within the glass bubble had now admitted they never want to escape it.

Agnetha had broken a sigh, feeling Björn's mouth trace down the length of her neck, caressing each delicate spot that reminded him along the way every reaction it used to spring from her. He was so pleased to see it hadn't changed. Not a single kiss was shared between each other yet, and nothing more than brushing of their mouths without planting a kiss anywhere they really wanted to. Part of them was craving to, and another part had left them too worried it was something too good to be true. It was as if they needed to hear the approval at least a hundred times before doing so once. How is it that this man who craved her touch for nearly half a century was settled in getting to know once again the same body and soul? He was patient, awaiting her first request.

"Tell me, Anna," he breathed against her jaw. "Tell me where to start."

Inaudibly, her hand had led him to her vest, which was parted first, slowly being unzipped. He wriggled her out of the vest without moving her body from him, and with it, he had come to receive the reminder that the shirt she had on beneath it was composed of buttons, which he without doubt was glad to know he would soon witness them becoming undone all in good timing. He smiled to himself, feeling the small movement that she was restricted to, knowing she wanted more even though he wouldn't do more than feel his lips on her until he heard from her that he could do more.

Nonetheless, the buttons were worked on slowly, one at a time and between each he dropped his lips lower to find a new area to discover. He wasn't kissing her. Just feeling. If she thought he overwhelmed her before, this was beyond. She knew only one thing. She wanted to explode in every possible and passionate way she could have with him. Agnetha knew it when she had seen the look on his face in the dimly lamp lit room that he felt the same. He couldn't believe the sight he had of her, and he was almost certain he may never see it in this lifetime again.

"I can't do more until you tell me," he asked of her, a voice deep and breathless and eyes not straying too far from what lied beneath just the now two undone buttons.

"Björn, you know everything that I want."

"Do I?" he murmured. "We started the morning with 'Nothing will change.' And now you say you want me," he reminded her as he began brushing his lips every corner of the left side of her face. "Tell me where to begin," he teased even when he felt he couldn't take the wait himself.

He felt her face turn carefully and press against his for the very first time in ages. It took her a moment to pull back and when she did, her hand softly stroked his cheek. He watched her, pleased and adoring everything he witnessed.

"Kiss me. I've been waiting for you to do that all my life." She stared at him desperately, and she moved her arms so that he had access to hold her in all the ways he could. "Kiss me," Agnetha repeated. "Touch me. Love me, Björn. Love me. I don't know if it will happen again, but that is what I want. I want you to love me." He smiled a bit thinking he never imagined to hear that again.

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