011: pancakes

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— chapter eleven


private messages
[2 participants]
papaya 🧡, blue 🦋


blue 🦋
have you had breakfast?

papaya 🧡

blue 🦋
blue 🦋
i made you pancakes 😋

papaya 🧡
you didn't have to 😭

blue 🦋
i was making some for myself so i made some extra
blue 🦋
no biggie 🤷‍♀️

papaya 🧡
you're perfect xx

blue 🦋
ik 😉
blue 🦋
now get your ass here before they get cold

papaya 🧡
walking up the stairs now love <3

london, england

JUNE OPENED THE DOOR SECONDS AFTER LANDO HAD KNOCKED, she didn't bother to hide her huge smile as she saw the brunette boy after two weeks.

nor did she stop herself from jumping at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. lando immediately wrapped his around her waist laughing as she snuggled her face into his shoulder.

he raised her off the ground, slightly, and spun her making juniper squeal and lando laugh even more.

after a few more seconds of holding each other, taking in the warmth and each other's scents, they pulled away.

juniper pulled lando into the apartment and to the kitchen, grabbing the plate of blueberry pancakes she had made for him.

"blueberries?" juniper nodded as she took a bite of her own pancakes and passed the boy the maple syrup, "you're an angel! i love blueberries."

juniper was in a pair of sweatpants and a baby tee, clearly not ready for the day yet. lando was in a pair of jeans and sweatshirt with his initials and driver number on the side.

"i like your hoodie." she pointed to it.

"yeah?" lando looked down at it, "you want one? i could send you some of the clothes."

juni smiled and nodded, "if it's okay—"

"of course it's okay, just check the website and send me pictures of which ones you want."

"and i'm the angel." juniper playfully jabs at the boy for his kindness.

she placed her plate on the kitchen island, pushing herself onto it so she could sit before continuing to eat.

"so what's our plan?" she asked.

"i thought you were taking me out today. don't you have anything planned?"

juniper shrugged, "i just wanted to spend time with you."

the pair watched each other for a few seconds, lando stepped closer to the brunette girl who sat with her legs dangling off the island top. he approached the counter so he was standing right opposite her, right in between her legs.

"then let's spend time together." he spoke, taking juniper's empty plate from her hand and placing it in the sink along with his.

he quickly returned to his place opposite her, this time he stood further away. june noticeably frowned. she leaned forward and grabbed a bit of lando's hoodie pulling him forward right against the island. lando placed his hands on the girl's hips and pulled her closer to the edge.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒, lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now