006: papaya

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— chapter six


private messages
[2 participants]
norri 🐙, juni 🌷


juni 🌷

norri 🐙
im guessing you got the chocolates?

juni 🌷
yes i got the chocolates you idiot
juni 🌷

norri 🐙
it's thank you for the most perfect night

juni 🌷
lan :(
juni 🌷
thank you xx

norri 🐙
you're welcome darling
norri 🐙
we're boarding now. i'll talk to you soon x

juni 🌷
safe flight my papaya boy

norri 🐙
thank you blue

team edward 🌙✨
[3 participants]
romi 🧃, dawn 🌻, junebug 🐞

junebug 🐞
i think i actually hate how perfect he is

romi 🧃
what'd he do?

junebug 🐞
he sent me a whole basket of chocolates?? like hello??
junebug 🐞
he even paid for the whole dinner last night
junebug 🐞
i kinda feel bad.. i wanna do something for him

dawn 🌻
then do something

junebug 🐞
idk what 😭

romi 🧃

dawn 🌻
dawn 🌻
it's too early for that

junebug 🐞
plus i doubt i'd be able to get tickets now

romi 🧃
y'all are no fun

dawn 🌻
maybe just take him out the next time he's here?

junebug 🐞
i guess
junebug 🐞
oh actually i have an idea for something else i can do too

romi 🧃
are you gonna tell us?

junebug 🐞
nope :)

private messages
[2 participants]
norri 🐙, juni 🌷


juni 🌷
you're probably still on the plane but i'm gonna send this now so you have it when you land
juni 🌷
juni 🌷
since you paid for dinner last night AND sent me chocolates i wanted to do something for you too
juni 🌷
this obviously doesn't compare but i spent 2 hrs on this playlist so you better like it 😤😤
juni 🌷
anyway safe flight my papaya boy <3 and gl for testing

juni 🌷 changed norri 🐙 to papaya 🧡

ugh they're so pure 🥹🥹 istg making playlists are a love language at this point. if i make you a playlist then you know i rlly fucking love you because i don't like making playlists 😀😄

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