Harry rolled his sleeves up and put the blade against his skin. He breathed in and out again, preparing himself on what was going to happen next.

The blade slid across his skin as he watched the blood appear and drip down his hand into the sink, this cut represented that this whole thing was his fault. He did cut after cut, looking down at his 4 fresh cuts.

2nd, was for everyone worrying on him, he hated people worrying about him.

3rd, was for the pain he was going through, it was a deep cut that showed how upset he was.

4th, was for Niall. Wanting him to come back and not die on him. Harry needed Niall, he wanted him back.

As Harry watched the 4 cuts bleed for a while until he knew it was time to clean them and put antiseptic liquid over them, to make sure they don't get infected. He wrapped his injured wrist up with a bandage and pulled down his sleeve, covering the bandage, making sure it wasn't seen. He made sure he hid the razor blade somewhere in the cabinet.

There was a knock on the door, "Harry! You in there! I need to go to the toilet, you've been in there for quite a while!" Louis called.

Harry and Louis have been talking again, they started talking since the first day Niall went to hospital. Harry didn't trust Louis fully just yet, he needed time to sort everything out.

Harry opened the door to find Louis against the doorway, "I just finished," He mumbled and walked out, down the hallway to Niall's room.

Harry has been sleeping in Niall's room since he's been gone. He could still smell Niall on his pillow and bed sheets. This made him feel like Niall was still with him.

Meanwhile; Louis strolled into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and making sure he did his business. Louis felt sorry for Harry because of how upset he has been since Niall hasn't been here.

Louis wished Niall was here, so Harry would be his cheery, old self again. Please! Niall, wake up! Harry needs you! Louis pleaded in his head, while flushing the toilet.

He turned to the sink to wash his hands but too stop in his process, as he found drips of blood around the basin. Louis didn't want to think that Harry would do that behind his back, when Louis thought about Harry cutting himself made him shiver.

Louis didn't realise that Harry was going through so much to make him do this, Harry had became quite upset lately and there was nothing Louis could do about it. As he wiped the blood of the basin with a cloth, he looked through the cabinets finding the razor.

The razor blade had fresh blood on it. Louis knew why Harry was in the bathroom for so long, Harry was truly cutting himself.

Louis washed his hand and took the blade with him. He made sure to hide the blade somewhere in his room so Harry couldn't find it and do something stupid. Louis just needed to stay by Harry's side until Niall came back to the world.

~At The Hospital~

Back at the hospital, the doctor known as Sabrina smiled down at Niall's body and she documented this down on the clipboard. You are wondering why Sabrina was smiling?

It's because Niall has started showing some improvement, she looked down at his hand to see it twitching. Sabrina knew Niall would be waking up in few more days, he was slowly getting there.

"Hang in there Niall, you'll be awake in a few more days. The boys will be excited with this news especially Harry," Sabrina whispered, she knew Niall could hear now. She walked out of the room and made sure she called the boys about this wonderful news.

As for Niall, he heard what Sabrina said. He was looking forward to getting out of this blackness and seeing the boys. Niall was especially looking forward to seeing Harry the most. It seems like Niall has no amnesia, he remembers the boys.

He just doesn't remember what happened to him...


Sorry, this is a bit short.

Yay! Niall's waking upp!

Aw, Harry. If anyone does self harm, please tell someone, don't keep it to yourself. You have me here if you want to talk. Just talk to someone about it, please don't hurt yourself.

Alright guys, while I'm writing this book, I was think on doing a collection of One Direction Bromance One Shots and it's open for requests. So everyone request and go check it out on my profile! x

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-Shan. xo

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