Not HIM?!

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The man came closer and took of his hood.

Y/n: Y-Yo-You a‐are S-?!

Chapter 6:

Y/n: Y-Yo-You a‐are S-someone I dont know of.

Y/n: Y-Yo-You a‐are S-someone I dont know of

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Unknown: *What da hail face*

Unknown: *What da hail face*

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Y/n: Sooo.....who are u?

Unknown: ufff...I didnt think that he would be this stupid to choose you.

Y/n: Who are you and what do you mean by "him"?

Unknown: Well where are my manners my name is Gen nice to meet you and yeah I cant believe Senku-chan chose you *sigh*

Y/n: Yeah I dont know any "Gen".

Gen: Well that sure is disapointing.

Y/n: Oh no! So, it was him afterall....No no no no. It cant be true. I have to return home. Wha-what about my family and my friends and Oh no what about my fiànce?

Gen: What?

Y/n: No no I have to go back. My fiànce must be waiting for me. Let me go! Let ME GO!!

Gen: We cant let you leave. Wait you have a fiànce?

Y/n: Yes yes...I have to go. Please let me go.

Gen: (this is not good. She has a fiànce. I must inform Senku-chan about it).

3rd POV:
Gen starts to walks out the room.

Y/n: No no no please Gen-san please dont leave you have to help me.

Gen does not even look at Y/n and says

Gen: I am sorry Y/n but I will help my friend get his true love.

Y/n: no no please Gen-san please no dont please!!

Gen leaves the room and goes to Senku in the lab.Senku is working on something and had a test-tube in his hand

Senku: So Gen, how is my cute baby doll doing?

Gen: I have bad news.

Senku brings his hand lower.

Senku: Is my doll ok?

Gen: She is fine but..

Senku: but WHAT?!

Gen: She has a...fiànce.

Senku throws the test-tube to the wall and it breaks.

Senku: No no I-i I cant lose her again.*looks to the ground* I cant lose my darling again! NOT AGAIN!! NO!

Senku storms out of the lab and goes to the room where Y/n was kept.

Senku: Y/N L/N!!

Y/n: (Oh no oh no, its him. I need to escape NOW!)*struggles* Ugh these are too tight!!

Senku: Oh Y/n~ My love~

Y/n: Oh no! *struggles more*

Senku: You dont need to struggle my cute doll~

Y/n: D-doll?

Senku comes closer and holds your terrified face

Senku: Yes, because–

(A/n: Hehe...thats enough for today. Sorry not sorry. Hope you enjoyed it and suggest some good nicknames if you want. Till next time peace)

473 words

Meme of the day:

Meme of the day:

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