“Hmm?” She gazed at him. Her eyes, too, only held him.

Zhousheng Chen stretched out his arms, lifting her entire body up and into the bathtub so that she lay on top of him.

Shi Yi’s nightgown was completely soaked. His hand very easily slipped past all the obstructions and gently entered her body, all the while very patiently tantalizing her.

For an entire hour, they lingered in the water.

In the end, he had utterly drained her, yet still he did not join his body with hers. Finally, he carried her directly out of the bathtub. After the two of them had dried off and were lying together on the bed, Zhousheng Chen at last said quietly, “I’m sorry. Today I was not really in the mood.”

Shi Yi did not even utter a sound. Exhausted, she tangled her legs with his and, lying on her side, wrapped her arms around his waist.

Soon, she was about drift off to sleep, but she struggled herself dazedly out of her dreams for just a moment and called his name. “Zhousheng Chen.”

He patted her hand and made a sound in acknowledgement.

“I love you.”

With an “mm,” he answered, “I know. Go to sleep now.”

Her mind at ease now, she fell deep into slumber.

In a muddled, half-asleep state, she felt something cool on her wrist, as if he had slipped something onto it.

The following day, she awoke very early. Shi Yi discovered that last night, he had actually taken the eighteen prayer beads that she had carefully stored away and put it on her. She had already been wearing the safety and peace pendant he had given her, and now, there was the circle of eighteen prayer beads as well. Although Zhousheng Chen had not said anything, she could still sense that he was afraid that something truly would happen to her.

With all these unexpected mishaps and obstacles, she, too, was starting to fear.

Fear that a single misstep would result in something terrible happening.

When she and Zhousheng Chen arrived at the hospital, the people who had been on the main level the previous night were no longer to be found. However, someone had been stationed at every exit, and these people were responsible for monitoring Zhou Wenchuan’s every movement. Zhousheng Chen personally brought Mei Xing in with him, and therefore, no one dared to stop them this time. After all, every person of the Zhou family knew the relationship this this Young Master Mei had with the Zhou family.

They were sitting in the restaurant for this particular level.

Windows that extended to the floor provided a clear view of what was outside.

They sat on the south side while Zhou Wenchuan and Wang Man sat on the other side of the restaurant.

It was an extremely uncanny scene.

However, aside from Shi Yi, everyone seemed to think that this was very normal. She mused in her mind, perhaps for these sorts of families and the internal power struggles that occurred in them, after victory and defeat had been determined, the victor would still organize a dignified and respectable funeral for the other party.

After sitting for a little while, Zhousheng Chen left temporarily to go read through the report from today.

Only she and Mei Xing remained.

Shi Yi threw a casual glance down out the window, and there, she saw Du Feng again.

This person who was he really? She had never asked Zhousheng Chen because, to some extent, she felt guilty that she had led this “trouble” into the Zhou family. Mei Xing also noticed him, and as he followed her gaze, he said casually, “Isn’t that the Interpol agent who is seeing your friend.”

One Life, One Incarnation, Beautiful BonesWhere stories live. Discover now