Chapter 1: kicked out

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Tom was searching through chests trying to find his walkie-talkie, he was searching pogtopia up and down. As he was searching he felt a presence behind him he turned around and jumped backwards as he saw Wilber behind him.

"Jesus Wilber" Tommy shouted.

"What are you looking for" Wilber asked with curiosity.

"That's none of your business" Tommy said in a cold tone.

Wilber new what he was looking for. Will was a little pissed he wasn't telling him aswell as keeping secrets. Wilber reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

"Is this what your looking for" Wilber asked with a smug grin on his face.

"Oh my god you found it! Can I have it?" Tommy asked reaching his hand out.

"No, your just going to use it to talk to Tubbo." Wilber stated in a dark tone

"Well ya he is my best friend of course I still want to talk to him" Tommy said confused.

"Tommy, Tubbo betrayed us! He joined manburg!! He is just using you to get information he doesn't care about you Tommy!" Wilber shouted pissed that Tommy wouldn't see the truth.

"That's not true he does care about me and he isn't a traitor!" Tommy shouted back at Wilber.

Wilber had it at this point and gave up trying to talk Tommy into believing the truth.

"Fine, if you believe Tubbo so much go join Manburg!" Wilber snapped while looking at the floor.

Tommy froze, his eyes widened he couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't believe his own brother was kicking him out of pogtopia.

"But will-" Tommy was cut off.

"Leave Tommy" Wilber shouted.

Tommy didn't feel like arguing so walked around Wilber and started heading out of pogtopia. Once he was out he started heading away from pogtopia and manburg. As Tommy was walking he noticed the sun started going down. Tommy really didn't want to dig into a hill so he kept walking praying he would find some sort of shelter to stay in for the night.
After walking for about an hour he came across a village. Tommy walked into the village looking for any empty houses. Tommy saw a house that look abandoned on top of a hill not to far away from the village. Tommy started walking to the house, as he approached before just barging in Tommy knocked on the door and waited.

Hi, thank you for reading I will try and update this story as much as possible. Words use 400 hundred.

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