Hong Xiaoyu would normally not have the opportunity to meet these people. This time, because of her connection to Shi Yi, she finally got to see them all. Everyone was very easygoing, and when Shi Yi made the introductions, she was also very casual. Most of the time, she would say something along the lines of, "This is the narrator in XX documentary," or "This is the male/female lead of such and such hit drama"...

Over and over again, an expression of sudden realization would show up on Hong Xiaoyu's face.

But Du Feng would only smile from time to time. Mostly, he simply laughed at Hong Xiaoyu for making such a fuss.

"Most of these water towns have stories in them." Mei Lin pinched a snail shell in one hand and grinned as she looked at D. Wang. "I remember last time you told me that story about Xitang[4], the one where frequently, someone who is staying there will disappear for several hours and then when they come back..."

Wang shook his head and cut her off. "Shi Yi gets scared easily. Don't talk about stuff like that at night."

He said this very naturally.

However, a lot of people there knew about the relationship between him and Shi Yi. Some of them had smiles that carried hinted meanings while others were already starting to tease them. This type of good-natured joking was common and harmless.

To avoid him feeling awkward, Shi Yi only smiled and did not really reject his kindness.

Hong Xiaoyu had never seen D. Wang before, and she was now intrigued. In a low voice, she asked Shi Yi, "How does he know you're scared easily?"

Shi Yi whispered back, "I often have to record late into the night. Every time, I have to wait for someone to come with me before I dare take the elevator to go downstairs. The people who have worked with me for a long time all know. It's pretty normal."

"Nope, not normal." Hong Xiaoyu's eyes narrowed. "Extremely not normal."

Shi Yi pinched the back of her hand lightly. "Don't be nosy."

"This is the last thing I'll say." Hong Xiaoyu asked her curiously, "If your hubby finds out someone likes you, will he get jealous?"

Would he get jealous?

Shi Yi did not have any confidence when it came to the answer to this question.

She thought, Zhousheng Chen definitely did like her, but how much? In her heart, she really was not sure.

And that was why she was feeling anxious, right? Just like in Bremen.

"Don't tell me you don't even have this little bit of confidence in yourself." Hong Xiaoyu frowned. "I've watched you from how you started to like him, how you guys started your relationship, and even how you unexplainably got married without any sort of ceremony. You're too set on him. You're clearly a priceless treasure, but it's like you're selling yourself off as one of those pearls you can buy at a street stand..."

Shi Yi could not hold back a laugh. "What kind of analogy is that?"

"But that's what it is..."

"Shh." Shi Yi picked up her mobile phone and told her quietly, "I need to go out and take a phone call."

She got up and stepped away.

This was an old-style wooden building, and their dinner location was on the second floor, overlooking the river, with seven or eight tables arranged in the room. Their group occupied two of the tables near the east side, and so she walked over to a window on the west side.

Zhousheng Chen's phone call to her came punctually.

She leaned against the wooden window and talked to him in a soft voice.

One Life, One Incarnation, Beautiful BonesWhere stories live. Discover now