The Runaway Bride

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Whew! What a few weeks it's been! I swear, the Tennant Christmas specials are the longest ever. I'll probably be eating those words when I finally write my takes on "The Day of the Doctor" . . .

Anyway, what happens when the Time Lords meet our favorite runaway bride?



"You can't do that!" the Doctor stared at the ginger bride. "I wasn't - " He looked around. "We're in flight! That is . . . "

"That is physically impossible," the Alchemist agreed, frowning and looking at the scanner. "Yeah, still in flight."

"How did - " the Doctor began to ask.

"Tell me where I am!" the ginger shouted. "I demand you tell me right now, where am I?"

"Inside the TARDIS," the Doctor answered.

"The what?"


"The what?"


"The what?"

"She's called the TARDIS," the Alchemist cut in, giving the Doctor a look.

"That's not even a proper word!" the bride huffed. "You're just saying things."

"Ever heard of acronyms?"

"How did you get in here?" the Doctor asked.

"Well, obviously when you kidnapped me! Who was it? Who's paying you? Is it Nerys?" The Time Lords looked at each other, the Alchemist looking amused at the stunned look on the Doctor's face. Clearly, he hadn't met this . . . vocal of a woman in a while, and he knew her. "Oh, my God, she's finally got me back," the bride groaned. "This has got Nerys written all over it!"

"Who the hell is Nerys?" the Doctor asked.

"Your best friend!"

"Yeah, we kind of just lost ours," the Alchemist mumbled.

"Hold on, wait a minute," the Doctor frowned at her dress. "What are you dressed like that for?"

"You are kidding me, right?" the Alchemist gawked at him. "Have you never seen a wedding before?"

"No, I'm going ten pin bowling," the bride sneered. "Why do you think, dumbo?! I was halfway up the aisle! I've been waiting all my life for this. I was just seconds away, and then you . . . I don't know. You drugged me or something!"

"We haven't done anything!" the Doctor protested.

"I'm having the police on you!" the bride pointed. "Me and my husband, as soon as he is my husband, we're going to sue the living backside off you!"

"And yes, I have seen a wedding, thank you," the Doctor told the Alchemist dryly. "Just never close up."

She rolled her eyes, but they widened when she saw the bride run for the door. "Wait a minute!" she shouted, running after.

"No, no, no, don't!" the Doctor put in, barreling after her.

The bride threw the doors open, and her eyes widened, terrified, as she stared out at the remains of the supernova the Time Lords had burned up. "You're in space," the Doctor told her calmly. "Outer space. This is our spaceship."

"She's called the TARDIS," the Alchemist added.

The bride looked around, stunned. "How am I breathing?"

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