Who is your best friend and how did you meet them? (7) Part 2

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Who is your best friend and how did you meet them? (7) Part 2

♌ Leo: France (Female)

     You and France met over a texting app, strangely. You were on the app of Ktyno. (This is a made up app and if this is an actual app it is a coincidence.)   The reason you joined that app was because you were tired of being at home and your friends always being too busy all the time, you just wanted someone to talk to. France was the person that you found interest in. It seemed that you guys differed. France liked one thing but you liked the opposite. When you started to talk with each other and found that out, you thought that was going to be a friendship breaker but it only seemed to be you both together more. But, it seems that you both cannot tolerate U.K. sometimes. So, that is one thing you both have in common. But, she also liked to cook which is something that she invited you to do with her when she met you physically. You guys baked a lot of bread and made some delicious appetizers.

♍ Virgo: U.K. (Male)

     One day, you were sleeping over your friend, America's house. It was a normal night, you guys were playing games and America was doing some weird stuff like trying to summon a demon. But, it turns out that U.K. was coming that night, unannounced. He broke through the door and slapped America across the face. (Not in an abusive way), he was angry at America because America did something stupid earlier on. Due to the fact this country, U.K., was being aggressive, you decided to play it safe and be nice with the country. He was polite to you for doing so but was being hostile towards America. Later that night, once America was asleep, you guys went talking due to the fact that U.K. had never heard nor seen you before. He was interested to see if you were like America, but it turns out, you were, but more polite and knowledgeable. That sparked the friendship between you and Britain. It also seems that he wanted you to try his teas that he had. You liked most of them, besides for the ones that tasted spicy to you.

♎ Libra: Canada (Male)

     One day, since you knew U.K., he let you join one of the world meetings. (Not actually, he just made you sit outside in the hallway, lol.) There, you were minding your own business, thinking about how U.K. did that to be rude to you. All while, you didn't notice the Canadian sitting in the corner. Now, he didn't want to say anything because he thought he would disturb you, so he let you do whatever you were doing. After a while, (about an hour or two later), you felt hungry and wanted to get something to eat. So, you got your (favorite food) and while you were walking back, the Canadian decided to finally speak up. You got freaked out because you didn't think that anyone else was here, and you jumped. (Poor Canada-) You dropped all of your favorite food on the ground, and you got upset. He noticed how upset you were and said that he would try to make it up to you because he felt bad. You agreed and later you got food. Months later of you guys meeting, you decided to take him to a library. And since no one really cares for Canadian history, (within the Countryhuman world), you decided to pick out a book on Canadian history in front of him. He was so glad that he started crying. From then on, he was really close to you and you guys bonded more. (Wow, poor Canada xd)

Special side note: When you left, U.K. got out of the meeting and was shocked and stunned. He started getting really upset and then threw a chair, (lol), and it hit the German Empire across from him. G.E. turned around slowly and beat him up, and he went to the hospital. Well, now we know what to do and what not do to the German Empire XD

♏ Scorpio: Japan (Your choice)

     In school, you were learning Japanese culture, history, and to some, the language too! But, since the school thought of no one better to teach Japanese history, they asked Japan to visit and inform the students about their culture and history. Japan accepted and some days later, came to the school. Of course, they let the students know but they didn't believe the staff. But when Japan came, they all got excited. You guys were asked to sit in the auditorium around 12:00 P.M. and when you guys sat down, you shortly noticed Japan walk on stage, everyone started cheering. So, after Japan let you know about their culture and history, they allowed questions. And so many people, and I mean a lot, started asking about their style and anime. To be honest, I think Japan got a bit frustrated with those questions, but didn't let anyone see or know. But, you raised your hand and Japan called on you. But unlike the others, you decided to ask a very good question. It made them a bit happy to see someone have great questions. They answered happily and people could see it too. Some people started giving you a nasty look. After that, (the meeting), you asked Japan for their phone number, and they were uncertain at first, but thought about the good times you guys might have together. So, they accepted. You guys met up at a friend's house because they were staying at their place for a while. But, they had to go back to their country for work, and you asked if you could go with them. They thought about it, and slowly accepted. So, when you got there, they noticed how amazed you looked because you have never been out of the country. They smiled, and you guys later watched a movie. You got so tired you fell asleep on them, and they did the same to you. You later started developing feelings for Japan, and they might have too. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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